Workshop "How proposals are evaluated" (Pillar 2 und 3)

Before starting to draft a proposal for a Horizon 2020 topic it would be necessary to know how this topic will be evaluated according to the Programme within is funded. This workshop will unveil who is the evaluator, how he/she is selected and how he/she thinks. Other important assets of the evaluation process, such as the template, the evaluation criteria and how to engage the attention of the evaluator will be discussed in a workshop format. Practical examples will be retrieved from real proposals. Furthermore some hints will be given about how to address the writing in order to fulfill the requested evaluator's criteria and template.

Dr. Patrick Hoffmann, Referat Forschung, BTU

Bemerkung zum Termin:
5. Termin der Veranstaltungsreihe

Hauptgebäude (HG)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus


Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Hoffmann
HVP 1 Forschung
T 2938