GOLEM – Created by Carly Lave
Carly Lave führt das von ihr an der BTU vorgestellte Projekt als Event mit über 20 weiteren Beteiligten in Berlin fort.
This joint-institution, international, and interdisciplinary research project explores the dancing body through technologies such as motion-capture sensors, virtual reality headsets, digital avatars, and the physical stage to wield a narrative between man and machine. The resulting work seeks to question the human body’s engagement, sensorial response, and viewership with advanced technologies in the fields of virtual design and dance.
Together a cross-disciplinary team from ‘gamelab.berlin’ of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the ‘Virtual Design Lab’ of Kaiserslautern Hochschule, Ghunghru Sounds (San Francisco, California) and Carly Lave forged in December 2018 to envision new methodologies of using motion-capture technology and virtual reality in a performance space.
The feasibility and creation of this project is entirely dependent on the novel and exciting art-tech collaboration. The performance will feature a radical use of the Optitrack motion-capture system with accompanying body sensors and Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) onstage. Through live projections, the dancers will interact with a motion-captured representation of their body in the virtual environment, engineered in Unity by the Kaiserslautern team. Collectively, each party brings domain knowledge in order to complement the research and application necessary for production.
Tickets sind online erhältlich. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf Facebook.
Uferstudios GmbH | Uferstraße 23 | 13357 Berlin
Allgemeine Technikwissenschaft
T +49 (0) 355 69-3162
Mehr Informationen
Quelle: Golem Premiere. https://vimeo.com/346168666 (Abruf: 10.7.2019)