Artikel von Heike Jacobsen und Patricia Graf erscheint im Journal Utility Policy

In der Februar-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Utility Policy" erscheint ein Artikel von Prof. Dr. Heike Jacobsen und Prof. Dr. Patricia Graf zur Arbeitsorganisation in Energieunternehmen unter dem Titel "Institutional work in the transformation of the German energy sector".

"Utility Policy" unterstützt das Publizieren im Open Access Format, und der Artikel ist bereits online zu finden unter:

Patricia Graf, Heike Jacobsen: Institutional work in the transformation of the German energy sector, Utilities Policy, Volume 68, 2021, 

Der Abstract des Artikels lautet:

Two European and German policies – one transitioning to sustainable energy and the other enhancing competition – strained the German electricity sector's organizational structures, which had been designed for network stability and a secure supply. Digital technologies and the new business models were important factors in these changes. Based on qualitative interviews, we analyze how changes caused by liberalization and energy-transition policies are related to the internal organizational changes at publicly owned energy providers. While some companies legitimate new forms of work organization and employment, thereby disrupting old institutions, others block internal change with reference to the external institutional framework.


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Heike Jacobsen
Wirtschafts- und Arbeitssoziologie
T +49 (0) 355 69-2550