Unsere Hauptforschungsinteressen sind im Bereich innovativer Sprachkonzepte und -programmiertechniken sowie der Methoden der KI angesiedelt. Insbesondere richten Sie sich auf Theorie, Techniken und Anwendung der Constraint-basierten und deklarativen Programmierung, auf Verfahren der Planung, des Scheduling und der Optimierung.
Wir bearbeiten Themen aus diesen Gebieten im Rahmen von konkreten Forschungsprojekten. In der Lehre bieten wir neben grundlegenden Veranstaltungen aus den Bereichen Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau auch Vertiefungsveranstaltungen an, in denen wir auf Forschungsprojekte eingehen. Außerdem bieten wir Bachelor-, Master-, Studien- und Diplomarbeiten zu unseren Forschungsgebieten an.
Nachfolgend finden Sie einige aktuelle Forschungprojekte.
Medizin-Logistik: Automatische Terminvergabe und Terminplanung
The aim of the project is the development and implementation of new methods for the automatic, optimized planning of appointments and appointment sequences and the realization of a tool based on this for fast and user-friendly, optimized appointment (sequence) planning across several medical facilities. On the one hand, such a tool saves time and effort for both, patients and medical staff, and allows patient wishes to be taken into account. At the same time, it enables more targeted and successful treatment with optimized use of medical resources. This increases patient satisfaction and the use of resources and time on the part of medical facilities can be improved.
Mission statement
The aim of MedLog is to increase patients satisfaction and to optimize medical resource use by means of new methods for intelligent, automatic appointment (sequence) planning.
Petra Hofstedt
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Dr. Thomas Gengenbach
Doc Cirrus GmbH
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Spethmann
Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medizinische Klinik Kardiologie und Angiologie
George Assaf
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Funded by
Intelligent Information Processing 1
(accompanying scientific research)
Part of the WIR! project Co-Innovation Platform Industrial Automation (KOI)
The aim of the project is the modeling and optimization of continuous industrial processes using mathematical methods of symbolic AI. New AI methods are developed that enable powerful modelling, as well as the analysis and processing of the meanings gained from the models. The project consists of three sub-projects: Analysis of Structure and Process Models, Algebraic Semantic Processing, Pattern Recognition.
Main project results
- The overall goal of the project is the modeling and optimization of continuous industrial processes using mathematical methods of symbolic AI.
- A hybrid symbolic AI methodology combining quantum information processing, constraint programming and methods for pattern recognition, analysis and intelligent fusion of different types of sensor and process data for dealing with "small data".
[1] | Sven Löffler, Ilja Becker, Franz Kroll, Petra Hofstedt: A Survey of Constraint Transformation Methods. GI-Jahrestagung 2021: 1107-1120 |
[2] | Sven Löffler, Ilja Becker, Petra Hofstedt: ML-based Decision Support for CSP Modelling with Regular Membership and Table Constraints. ICAART (2) 2021: 974-981 |
[3] | Maximilian Mühle: Entwicklung eines Lernverfahrens zur Beurteilung von Kompressoren anhand akustischer Signale (Master-Arbeit,2019, in Kooperation mit Fraunhofer IKTS) |
[4] | Meyer, Werner, Borislav, Borislavov, Eckert, Friedrich, Richter, Christian, Römer, Ronald, Beim Graben, Peter, Huber, Markus, Wolff, Matthias: Formalisierung und Implementierung einer adaptiven kognitiven Architektur unter Verwendung von Strukturdiagrammen. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2021 : Tagungsband der 32. Konferenz Berlin, 3.-5. März 2021, S. 67 - 76 |
Mission statement
Strengthen the development of new process and product innovations in industrial automation
Petra Hofstedt
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Constanze Tschöpe
Fraunhofer IKTS,
Projektgruppe KogMatD Cottbus
Matthias Wolff
BTU, Kommunikationstechnik
Borislav Borislavov
Lehrstuhl Kommunikationstechnik
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Sven Löffler
FG Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Maximilian Mühle
Fraunhofer IKTS
Projektgruppe Kognitive Materialdiagnostik
Funded by
Intelligent Information Processing 2
(accompanying scientific research)
Part of the WIR! project Co-Innovation Platform Industrial Automation (KOI)
The aim of the project is the modeling and optimization of continuous industrial processes using mathematical methods of symbolic AI. As a continuation of the IntelliInfo project 1, the results, knowledge and findings to date are to be generalized and transferred to other related areas of application.
Main project goals
- The modeling and optimization of continuous industrial processes using mathematical methods of symbolic AI and their combination.
- The implementation of a specific implementation of an industrial partner, here the planning and simulation of a coal storage yard.
Mission statement
Strengthen the development of new process and product innovations in industrial automation
Petra Hofstedt
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Constanze Tschöpe
Fraunhofer IKTS,
Projektgruppe KogMatD Cottbus
Matthias Wolff
BTU, Kommunikationstechnik
Borislav Borislavov
Lehrstuhl Kommunikationstechnik
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Viktoria Köhler, Sven Löffler
FG Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Maximilian Mühle
Fraunhofer IKTS
Projektgruppe Kognitive Materialdiagnostik
Funded by
Open-Source-Software für ländlichen On-Demand-Verkehr
On-demand services can help to close gaps in rural public transport. However, their operation requires proprietary software, which usually incurs high license fees - a major hurdle for many municipalities, especially in structurally weak regions. As a result, there is a lack of on-demand offerings precisely where the need is particularly great. Moreover, available software solutions can hardly be integrated into existing rural public transport services: connections to buses and trains cannot be guaranteed and parallel journeys between public transport and on-demand transport cannot always be avoided.
The aim of the OSLO project is an analysis of feasibility of an open-source software solution for the integration of on-demand services into the public transport network in rural areas.
At this, the main task of the BTU research group is the investigation and conception of an intermodal routing algorithm that takes into account, adapts, and combines various routing methods according to the
[1] | Sven Löffler, Ilja Becker, Petra Hofstedt, Andre Nitze, Silvia Hennig, Alexander Klinge Planung des Ländlichen On-Demand-Verkehr - Probleme, Analyse und Algorithmen. INFORMATIK 2023 - 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), LNI Vol. 337. 2023. 978-3-88579-731-9 |
Mission statement
The aim of OSLO is the investigation of the feasibility of an open-source solution for rural on-demand transportation and the conception of intermodal routing methods.
Petra Hofstedt
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Andre Nitze
Technische Hochschule Brandenburg, FB Wirtschaft
Alexander Klinge
Neuland 21 e.V.
Funded by
spur – Modular assistance system to support people with dementia and their caregivers
With the help of this assistance system, dementia patients and their relatives are to be supported in their daily lives. To this end, a modular sensor system is to be developed whose wearables can be integrated into any existing item of clothing and also removed again. In the event of an emergency (e.g. a fall), it will trigger an alarm and notify relatives, caregivers or emergency physicians. It will also be possible to locate dementia patients. The various wearables in the system communicate with a server system via multiple base station.
At the beginning of the project, user needs were identified in a study conducted in cooperation with the Alzheimer Society Berlin. The main focus of the BTU's tasks is on providing analyses for hardware and software, defining the software architecture, and finally developing methods for indoor localization and fall prediction.
Main project results
- Collection of wearable movement data from different groups (target group and volunteers)
- Survey of the target group (residents of the ASB in Frankfurt / Oder and nursing staff)
- Development of algorithms for fall detection, fall prediction and pressure ulcer prophylaxis
- Development of a system for indoor positioning
- Integration of these algorithms into an existing documentation-solution (Doku2Go)
[1] | Franz Kroll, Sven Löffler, Ilja Becker, Petra Hofstedt: Automatic Detection of Timed-up and Go Tests with IMU Sensor Data. International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC, BIODEVICES 2022. |
Mission statement
The aim of spur is to maintain the mobility and independence of those affected by dementia and thus to improve their quality of life.
Petra Hofstedt
BTU, Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Franz Kroll M.Sc.
FG Programmiersprachen und Compilerbau
Funded by
04/2020-04/2022, 24 months