Academic Staff

Elvira Megne, M.Sc.
VG 1C, room 2.28

T: +49 (0) 355 69 2056
F: +49 (0) 355 69 2127

About me

I am a Junior Researcher at the Chair of IT Security. I have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiocommunication and a Master’s Degree in Networks and Systems Security at the Advanced School of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT of Yaounde, Cameroon.

Research Interests

I am interested in intrusion detection in industrial control systems, the application of machine learning algorithms to traffic analysis and honeypots.


I am involved in the WAIKIKI project. Our goal is to improve critical infrastructures by autonomously detecting anomalies using artificial intelligence. We use existing knowledge of the network to perform anomaly detection, we automatically extract the features for our detection algorithm, using convolutional LSTM networks, and we also focus on how our method will reduce the current false alarm rate.