Distributed and Parallel Systems III winter term 2023/2024
The goal of this module is to understand the mechansims and implementations of different middleware layers based on case studies.
This module finishes the distributed and parallel systems lecture series with concrete case studies. Real middleware will be analysed and compared in terms of functiomality and implementation. For that, freely available implementations of middleware (CORBA, JAVA-RMI, .NET und MPI) will be used for analysis, comparism and experiments.
Description of the module 12517
Lecture slides, tutorial slides and assignments
Lecture slides, tutorial slides and assignments will be uploaded to the Moodle, course Verteilte und Paralle Systeme III
- Computer Networks (Fourth Edition), Tannenbaum, ISBN 0130661023
- Distributed Systems - Principles and Paradigms. Tannenbaum, van Steen, ISBN 0130888931
- Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design, Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, ISBN 0201619180
- C++ Programming Language, Stroustrup, ISBN 0201700735
- on Thursdays, 11:30 am - 01 pm, HG, 2.34
- first lecture: 19 October 2023
- on Thursdays, 01:45 pm - 03:15 pm, HG, 2.28
- oral exam, dates to be announced