Content Emerging Trends and Topics for Dependable Embedded Systems

Keeping an Embedded System running as expected is not always an easy task. It is even more challenging when cutting edge technology is used to increase performance and computation power, such as autonomous driving applications, for instance. Therefore, new methods are continuously needed to keep these systems working without failures. These new methods and challenges will be the ones discussed in this seminar.

Objective: The objective of this seminar is to discuss emerging trends/topics/methods for dependable embedded systems.

- Dependable Operating Systems;
- Real-time scheduling for mixed-critical systems (safety-critical domain);
- Cross-layer solutions for dependability (microarchitecture-level -> software-level -> system-level);
- Cross-layer solutions for safety- and mission-critical systems;
- Approximate computing for resilient systems;
- Self-adaptive systems for improved reliability and performance;
- Computational intelligence methods (AI/ML) for dependability;
- Many more…

Students will receive guidance on the basic concepts for Dependable Embedded Systems.
Students will need to choose their main topic and present its emerging trends. Intermediate presentations for the class through the semester will be scheduled for this. Finally, at end of the semester, at least one method must pre presented in detail for the class.

Papers from premier conferences, as well as journals and books, of the topic will be suggested. However students are free to look for additional literature and novel papers on their own.

In order to fully benefit from this course, basic knowledge on embedded systems is expected. Knowledge on dependable systems is very advisable as well.

The seminar will be held in English.

If you wish to participate in this seminar, please, register in the Moodle environment and come to the first meeting that will be on 15.10.2021, room HG 0.17, at 07:30.

The next meetings will be re-scheduled for another time that suits best for the participants.

If you still want to attend the seminar, but cannot attend the first meeting, please, answer the topic  Wish to Participate in the Diskussionsforum.