
Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses


    Currently the following Master thesis topics are offered:

    • Physics-compatible modeling of transients in district heating (with Fraunhofer IEGPDF
    • Homgenization of flow properties for thermal runaway testing of Li ion batteries (with Weiss Technik GmbHPDF
    • CFD-based estimation of windloads on solar panels installed on roof tops (with LEPOSOL GmbHPDF

    A selection of othert possible topics and topical areas offerd at LS NSG are given below:

    Extended possibilities for risk assessment of reacting flows enabled by stochastic modeling of turbulent mixing


    In our new paper we show the potential of a stochastic modeling approach for the representation of the turbulent mixing of multiple scalars. Our approach enables an accurate, but cost-efficient representation of the flow velocities and the gas-phase concentrations. Reaction rates (e.g. in steam reforming or hydrogen combustion, among other applications) can now be more confiedentally predicted than with other known tools. The benefit is the ability to predictively assess an extended range of cotrol parameters, providing means for risk assesment in H2 and related industries.

    Link to the open access article:


    Joint project EIZ: Energy Innovation Center of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg


    The joint project »EIZ« has been approved.


    The Chair of Numerical Fluid and Gas Dynamics participates in the framework by: