MoDeSt joint project "Product circularity through modular design - strategies for durable smartphones"
MoDeSt joint project "Product circularity through modular design - strategies for durable smartphones"
- Funded by: BMBF - "Resource-efficient circular economy - innovative product cycles (ReziProK)"
- Duration: July 2019 - March 2023
- Cooperation partners: Fraunhofer IZM, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Shift GmbH, AfB gGmbH
- Staff Members involved: Sabine Hielscher, Melanie Jaeger-Erben
*Anchored at the TU Berlin
Modular smartphones have the potential both to reflect technical progress through upgrades and to meet changing consumer needs. This enables longer service lives, which reduces the number of devices and the associated environmental impact. In order to unfold the positive potential of modular construction (or: modular design?) and minimize negative aspects (or: undesirable consequences), technical, social and economic prerequisites for modular concepts are explored and solutions are developed.the innovative project comprises a broad-based, transdisciplinary consortium. The integration of research and practice as well as technical and social science expertise form the basis for a holistic approach to the research task. In the work packages at TU Berlin, user expectations and practices are examined qualitatively and quantitatively. An open innovation space for stakeholders from industry and research will be created in so-called living labs. The project is being funded by the BMBF as part of the "Resource-efficient circular economy - innovative product cycles(ReziProK)" funding measure from 2019 to 2022.