BTU team led by Prof. Rainer Herd travels to Mongolia to conduct raw material investigations

Within the framework of the raw material partnership between Germany and Mongolia, the team carries out aerogeophysical investigations with the airborne measuring system (research aircraft) developed at the chair.

After a break of more than two years due to CORONA, a team of the BTU Chair Raw Material and Natural Resource Management headed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Herd was able to travel to Mongolia to continue raw material exploration work. The aim of the project is to identify raw material potentials that can be developed in the long term for the benefit of both national economies. Cooperation partners on site are the German-Mongolian University of Resources and Technology (partner university of the BTU) and the Mongolian Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority (MRPAM).


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rainer Herd
Rohstoff- und Ressourcenwirtschaft
T +49 (0) 355 69-2902

Susett Tanneberger
Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
T +49 (0) 355 69-3126
The BTU team (from left to right) Bert Dörre, Prof. Rainer Herd and Wladislaw Schafrik with the measuring aircraft in the Mongolian steppe.