Admission Requirements

The following requirements must be met in order to be accepted into the ESiSt program:

University entrance qualification in your home country or in the issuing country

You are eligible for the ESiSt course program if you can prove that you have a higher education entrance qualification in your home country or issuing country that is not recognized as equivalent in Germany.

Proven knowledge of German at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)

For example: Goethe certificate B2 (at least 70/100 points in all parts), telc German B2 (passed with at least 210 points), ÖSD B2 (at least 70/100 points in each part), TestDaF TDN 3 (in all parts) or DSD I.

Passing the entrance exams in the subjects German and Mathematics

The entrance exams will be held in September 2024 at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. The test results decide on admission to the course program. You will receive an invitation to the entrance exams and further information after your application documents have been checked.

To prepare for the entrance exams, you can view sample exams:

Beispielprüfung Deutsch

Beispielprüfung Mathematik