The development and optimization of reaction kinetics of gas-phase and surface reactions represent a major research field of the chair. The reaction kinetics are used in commercial multidimensional simulation tools for the prediction of combustion and emission formation.
Furthermore, the chair develops its own zero- and one-dimensional simulation models for the calculation of combustion engines and reactors for fast and accurate emission prediction (e.g. methanation, steam reforming, dry reforming, three-way catalyst, oxidation catalyst and self- and compression-ignited engines).
In the most recent research field of the chair, the scientific staff is working on the development of simulation models for the performance calculation of fuel cells, electrolysers and lithium-ion batteries.
An in-house computing cluster with 1000 cores is available for research and development (AMD Epyc, Intel Xeon Gold 4th generation). The department also has an extensive network of partners in the field of software development.
In the process engineering laboratory, the Chair has access to equipment for researching the properties of fuels and catalysts (heat flux burner, rapid compression machine and steam reforming).
In the engine laboratory, a micro CHP test stand with state-of-the-art measurement technology is available for researching the oxyfuel combustion of synthesis gases.
- Multidimensional numerical simulations on high-performance computers
- Development of reaction mechanisms for gas-phase and surface chemistry
- Modeling of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
- Model development for reactors
- Model development for piston engines
- Model development for fuel cells and electrolysers
- Model development for lithium-ion batteries
- Process automation and optimization
- Heat Flux Burner Experiments
- Micro CHP experiments for the combustion of methane and synthesis gases with oxygen
- Development of simulation models
- Optimization of fuel properties
- Optimization of combustion engines
- Optimization of catalytic processes
- Real-time prediction of emissions from technical combustion
- Model development for hardware-in-the-loop applications
- Development of CO2-neutral and emission-free energy storage systems