K. Baumgärtner, M. Nozaki, M. Reuner, N. Wind, M. Haniuda, C. Metzger, M. Heber, D. Kutnyakhov, F. Pressacco, L. Wenthaus, K. Hara, C.-H. Min, M. Beye, F. Reinert, F. Roth., S. Mahatha, A. Madsen, T. Wehling, K. Niki, D. Popova-Gorelova, K. Rossnagel, M. Scholz, Multiplex movie of concerted rotational motion of molecules on a 2D quantum materials, arXiv:2305.07773, submitted (2022)
Peer-reviewed published/accepted
Nasrin Farahani and Daria Popova-Gorelova, Revealing fingerprints of valence excitons in x-ray absorption spectra with the Bethe-Salpeter equation, Phys. Rev. B 110, 235126 (2024)
Daria Popova-Gorelova and Robin Santra, Atomic-scale imaging of laser-driven electron dynamics in solids, Communications Physics (Nature Publishing Group) 7 (1), 317 (2024)
Daria Popova-Gorelova, Perspective: Towards real-time ultraviolet to x-ray imaging and spectroscopy of laser-driven materials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 172501 (2024)
Daria Popova-Gorelova and Robin Santra, Microscopic nonlinear optical response: analysis and calculations with the Floquet-Bloch formalism, Structural Dynamics 11, 014102 (2024)
T. Hansen, T. Bezriadina and D. Popova-Gorelova, Theoretical description of attosecond x-ray absorption spectroscopy of Frenkel exciton dynamics, Molecules 28 (11), 4502 (2023)
M. Reuner and D. Popova-Gorelova, Attosecond imaging of photo-induced dynamics in molecules using time resolved photoelectron momentum microscopy, Phys. Rev. A 107, 023101 (2023)
K. Baumgärtner, M. Reuner, C. Metzger, D. Kutnyakhov, M. Heber, F. Pressacco, C.H. Min, T.R.F. Peixoto, M. Reiser, C. Kim, W. Lu, R. Shayduk, W. M. Izquierdo, G. Brenner, F. Roth, A. Schöll, S. Molodtsov, W. Wurth, F. Reinert, A. Madsen, D. Popova-Gorelova, and M. Scholz, Ultrafast molecular orbital tomography of a pentacene thin film using time- resolved momentum microscopy at a free-electron laser, Nature Communications 13, 2741 (2022)
Daria Popova-Gorelova, Andreas Bringer, Stefan Bluegel, Heisenberg representation of non- thermal ultrafast laser excitation of magnetic precessions, Phys. Rev. B 104, 224418 (2021)
Daria Popova-Gorelova, David A. Reis and Robin Santra, Theory of x-ray scattering from laser-driven electronic systems, Phys. Rev. B 98, 224302 (2018)
Daria Popova-Gorelova, Imaging Electron Dynamics with Ultrashort Light Pulses: A Theory Perspective, Applied Sciences 8, 318 (2018)
Arne Baumann, Sophia Bazzi, Dimitrios Rompotis, Oliver Schepp, Armin Azima, Marek Wieland, Daria Popova-Gorelova, Oriol Vendrell, Robin Santra, Markus Drescher, Weak- field few-femtosecond VUV photodissociation dynamics of water isotopologues, Phys. Rev. A 96, 013428 (2017)
Daria Popova-Gorelova, Jochen Küpper and Robin Santra, Imaging electron dynamics with time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. A 94, 013412 (2016)
Daria Popova-Gorelova and Robin Santra, Imaging interatomic electron current in crystals with ultrafast resonant x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. B 92, 184304 (2015)
Daria Popova-Gorelova and Robin Santra, Imaging instantaneous electron flow with ultra- fast resonant x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. B 91, 184303 (2015)
A. Kákay, . . . , D. Popova, et al. Chapter Nanosession: Spin Dynamics in Frontiers in Electronic Materials (eds J. Heber, D. Schlom, Y. Tokura, R. Waser and M. Wuttig, 2013).
Daria Popova, Andreas Bringer, Stefan Bluegel, Theoretical investigation of the inverse Faraday effect via a stimulated Raman scattering process, Phys. Rev. B 85, 094419 (2012)
Daria Popova, Andreas Bringer, Stefan Bluegel, Theory of the inverse Faraday effect in view of ultrafast magnetization experiments, Phys. Rev. B 84, 214421 (2011)
D.M. Popova, B.N. Mavrin, A.V. Solovyov, Ab initio investigation of electronic and vibra- tional properties of ZnS and ZnSe crystals by different XC-functionals, International Journal of Modern Physics B 23, 3643-3655 (2009)
E.A. Vinogradov, B.N. Mavrin, N.N. Novikova, V.A. Yakovlev, D.M. Popova, Lattice dynamics of ZnSexS1−x semiconductor crystals, Laser Physics 19, 162-170 (2009)
D.M. Popova, B.N. Mavrin, V.N. Denisov, E.A. Skryleva, Spectroscopic and first-principles studies of boron-doped diamond: Raman polarizability and local vibrational bands, Diamond and Related Materials 18, 850-853 (2009)
B.N. Mavrin, V.N. Denisov, D.M. Popova, E.A. Skryleva, M.S. Kuznetsov, S.A. Nosukhin, S.A. Terentiev, V.D. Blank, Boron distribution in the subsurface region of heavily doped IIb type diamond, Physics Letters A 372, 3914-3918 (2008)
V.D. Blank, V.N. Denisov, A.N. Kirichenko, N.A. Lvova, S.Y. Martyushov, B.N. Mavrin, D.M. Popova, M.Yu. Popov, E.V. Tat’yanin, A.A. Zakhidov, Nanostructured superhard carbon phase obtained under high pressure with shear deformation from single-wall nanotubes HiPco, Physica B 382, 58-64 (2006)
D. Popova, Microscopic description of the inverse Faraday effect at subpicosecond time scales (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich: Reihe Schlüssel technologien 83, 2014), ISBN 978-3-89336-962-1
Contribution to Broschüre des Komitees Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung Forschung mit Photonen - Licht für die Zukunft, Frühjahr 2020, page 17
D. Gorelova, Europhysics News 50, 5&6, A personal report: setting up a junior research group in Hamburg, invited contribution