Ausgewählte Publikationen:
- Jahn T, Schanz D, Schröder A (2021), Advanced Iterative Particle Reconstruction for Lagrangian Particle Tracking, Experiments in Fluids 62, 179 (2021).
- Manovski P, Novara M, Depuru Mohan N K, Geisler R, Schanz D, Agocs J, Godbersen P, Schröder A (2021), 3D Lagrangian particle tracking of a subsonic jet using multi-pulse Shake-The-Box, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 123,
- Godbersen P, Bosbach J, Schanz D, Schröder A (2020), The beauty of turbulent convection: A particle tracking endeavor. In: Gallery of Fluid Motion 38th Annual Gallery of Fluid Motion, APS, 2020, Virtuell.
- Schröder A, Willert C, Schanz D et al. (2020), The flow around a surface mounted cube: a characterization by time-resolved PIV, 3D Shake-The-Box and LBM simulation. Exp Fluids 61, 189,
- Godbersen P, Schröder A (2020), Functional binning: Improving convergence of Eulerian statistics from Lagrangian particle tracking, Meas. Sci. Technol. 31, 095304
- Ehlers F, Schröder A, Gesemann S (2020), Enforcing temporal consistency in physically constrained flow field reconstruction with FlowFit by use of virtual tracer particles, Measurement Science and Technology 31 (9), 094013
- Wolf CC, Schwarz C, Kaufmann K, Gardner AD, Michaelis D, Bosbach J, Schanz D, Schröder A (2019), Experimental study of secondary vortex structures in a rotor wake, Experiments in Fluids 60 (11), 1-16
Andreas Schröder, Daniel Schanz, Reinhard Geisler, Tobias Jahn, Christian E. Willert, Benjamin Leclaire, Quentin Gallas (2019). A characterization of the flow around a surface mounted cube by TR-PIV and -3D Shake-The-Box.13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV, Munich, Germany, July 22-24, 2019
Daniel Schanz, Matteo Novara, Reinhard Geisler, Janos Agocs, Felix Eich, Matthew Bross, Christian J. Kähler, Andreas Schröder (2019). Large-scale volumetric characterization of a turbulent boundary layer flow.13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV, Munich, Germany, July 22-24, 2019
- Matteo Novara,DanielSchanz, Reinhard Geisler, Sebastian Gesemann, Christina Voss and Andreas Schröder (2019), Multi-exposed recordings for 3D Lagrangian particle tracking with multi-pulse Shake-The-Box. Exp. Fluids 60:44
- Florian Huhn, Daniel Schanz, Peter Manovski,Sebastian Gesemann, Andreas Schröder (2018), Time-resolved large-scale volumetric pressure fields of an impinging jet from dense Lagrangian particle tracking, Exp. Fluids 59 (5), 81
- Christoph Cuvier, Sricharan Srinath, Michel Stanislas, Jean-Marc Foucaut, Jean-Philippe Laval, Christian Kähler, Rainer Hain, Sven Scharnowski, Andreas Schröder, Reinhard Geisler, Janos Agocs, Anni Röse, Christian Willert, Joachim Klinner, Omid Amili, Callum Atkinson, Julio Soria (2017), Extensive characterisation of a high Reynolds number decelerating boundary layer using advanced optical metrology. Journal of Turbulence, 18 (10), pp. 929-972
- Florian Huhn, Daniel Schanz, Sebastian Gesemann, Uwe Dierksheide, Remco van de Meerendonk, Andreas Schröder (2017), Large-scale volumetric flow measurement in a pure thermal plume by dense tracking of helium-filled soap bubbles, Exp. Fluids 58:116
- Daniel Schanz, SebastianGesemann, Andreas Schröder (2016), Shake-The-Box: Lagrangian particle tracking at high particle image densities, Exp Fluids 57:70
- Andreas Schröder, Daniel Schanz, Reinhard Geisler, Sebastian Gesemann (2016), Investigations of coherent structures in near-wall turbulence and large wall-shear stress events using Shake-The-Box, 18th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser and Imaging Tech. to Fluid Mech. Lisbon, Portugal, July 4 – 7
- Andreas Schröder, Daniel Schanz, Dirk Michaelis, Christian Cierpka, Sven Scharnowski, Christian J Kähler, Advances of PIV and 4D-PTV” Shake-The-Box” for Turbulent Flow Analysis–the Flow over Periodic Hills, A Schröder, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 95 (2-3), 193-209 (2015)
- Andreas Schröder, Daniel Schanz, Reinhard Geisler, Sebastian Gesemann, Christian Willert (2015), Near-wall turbulence characterization using 4D-PTV Shake-The-Box, 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV2015, 14. - 16. Sept. 2015, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- Andreas Schröder, Reinhard Geisler, Karsten Staack, Gerrit Elsinga, Fulvio Scarano, Bernhard Wieneke, Arne Henning, Christian Poelma, Jerry Westerweel (2011), Eulerian and Lagrangian views of a turbulent boundary layer flow using time-resolved tomographic PIV, Exp Fluids, Vol. 50 (4):1071-1091
- Matteo Novara, DanielSchanz, Nico Reuther, Christian J Kähler, Andreas Schröder (2016), Lagrangian 3D particle tracking in high-speed flows: Shake-The-Box for multi-pulse systems. Exp Fluids 57:128
- Matteo Novara, Daniel Schanz, Sebastian Gesemann, Kyle P Lynch, Andreas Schröder (2016), Lagrangian 3D particle tracking for multi-pulse systems: performance assessment and application of Shake-The-Box, 18th international symposium on applications of laser techniques to fluid, Lisbon
- Matteo Novara, Reinhard Geisler, Andreas Schröder (2016), Multi-stereo PIV measurement of propeller wake flow in industrial facility,31st AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2867
- Reinard Geisler, Andreas Schröder, Daniel Schanz, Janos Agocs, Henri Siller (2016), Large-scale density gradient visualization of the V2527 engine jet flow at Ground Operation using Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS). AIAA SciTech 2016 - 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 04. - 08. Jan. 2016, San Diego, CA, USA
- Daniel Schanz, Andreas Schröder, Sebastian Gesemann, Florian Huhn, Matteo Novara, Reinhard Geisler, Peter Manovski, Karthik Depuru-Mohan (2017), Recent Advances in Volumetric Flow Measurements: High-Density Particle Tracking (‘Shake-The-Box’) with Navier-Stokes Regularized Interpolation (‘FlowFit’), New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, pp 587-597
- Sebastian Gesemann, Florian Huhn, Daniel Schanz, Andreas Schröder (2016), From Noisy Particle Tracks to Velocity, Acceleration and Pressure Fields using B-splines and Penalties, 18th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techn. to Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, 4 -7 July
- Florian Huhn, Daniel Schanz, Sebastian Gesemann, Andreas Schröder (2016), FFT integration of instantaneous 3D pressure gradient fields measured by Lagrangian particle tracking in turbulent flows, Exp Fluids 57:151
- Daniel Schanz, SebastianGesemann, Andreas Schröder, Bernhard Wieneke, Mattteo Novara (2013), Non-uniform optical transfer functions in particle imaging: calibration and application to tomographic reconstruction Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 024009