apl. Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Martin Kittler
Curriculum vitae
- Diplom-Physiker: specialization in solid state physics
- Dr. rer. nat. (PhD): materials diagnostics
- Dr. sc. nat. (habilitation): semiconductor physics
Professional experiences
- Physicist in industrial research (1973-1977)
- Scientist at IHP* Frankfurt (Oder) (1977-2014), Dept. head / senior scientist since 1992 *Innovations for high performance microelectronics (IHP) was called IPW Berlin (1977-1993) and "Institut für Halbleiterphysik" Frankfurt (Oder) 1984-1999
- Visisting professor at University of Lille/France (spring 1994)
- Visiting scientist at Lucent Technology - Bell Labs Innovations (spring & summer 1998)
- Patent officer at IHP (1999-2006)
- Director Joint Lab IHP/BTU (2005-2014) -> www.jointlab.de
- apl. Professor (2005) at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU)
- Supervisor of 13 PhD students
Research interest
- Si, SiGe, Ge materials research
- crystal defects and defect engineering
- semiconductor spectroscopy and microscopy, electron microscopy
- micro- / nano-electronics, photovoltaics, photonics and thermoelectricity
Research grants
Principal investigator of more than 25 third-party funded projects:
- German Federal Ministries (BMFT / BMBF, BMWi, BMU)
- Volkswagenstiftung Hannover
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Bonn
- European Commission Brussels
- German solar industry sector
- SiWEDS consortium USA
Scientific service
Chairman or co-chair of periodic international scientific conferences and editor of conference proceedings:
- GADEST "Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology" (1989, 91, 93, 95 97, 99, 2001, 03, 05, 07 and 2009)
- EDS "Extended Defects in Semiconductors" (2006 and 2014)
- Sino-German symposia "The Silicon Age" (2002, 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2015)
- E-MRS symposium "Crystalline Si for Solar Cells" (2000)
- BIADS "Beam Injection Assessment of Defects in Semiconductors" (1998)
Chairman or member
- of search committees for professorship at BTU, TU Berlin, HU Berlin and TFH Wildau
- of doctoral boards (Dr.rer.nat.habil., Dr.rer.nat., Dr.-Ing., Dr., PhD) at BTU, TU Berlin,TU Freiberg, Univ. Rostock, Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Univ. Twente (NL) and St. Petersburg State Univ. (RU)
Publications and patents
- Nearly 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, book chapters
- Large number of (invited) presentations at national & international meetings and colloquia
- 12 patents