Structure of the Master's program
The Master's program in Computer Science has a standard period of study of four semesters.
In the master's program, students expand the knowledge they acquired in the bachelor's program and specialize in an area of computer science that particularly corresponds to their inclinations and interests and prepares them for later professional use. The Master's program is characterized by a high degree of flexibility in the course of study, a relatively free choice of modules, and individual support for each student by a university lecturer - the so-called mentor. The mentor accompanies the student through his or her studies and ensures that the necessary technical knowledge is acquired for the master's thesis as well as for later professional activities.
The program is divided into the complexes "Fundamentals of Computer Science", "Practical Computer Science" and "Applied and Technical Computer Science". In consultation with the mentor, the student selects modules from each of the complexes and specializes in one computer science complex, in which the master's thesis is then also written. Seminars, internships and project studies encourage independent work. A characteristic feature is the continuous integration of the students into the research activities of the chairs. In addition, there is a "minor subject" in which the student chooses subjects in an area of application in addition to an in-depth mathematics module, analogous to the bachelor's degree.
As part of his or her university studies, the student completes a professional internship of at least 8 weeks at an external institution. This serves to apply and test the acquired knowledge in an environment typical for the professional practice of computer scientists. This often opens up career opportunities and provides topics for a Master's thesis, which can then be written in cooperation with the BTU.
With the final, six-month Master's thesis, which is issued by the mentor, the student demonstrates that he or she is able to work independently on a problem from his or her subject using scientific methods within a specified period of time. Master's theses are integrated throughout into the research activities of the chairs.The three computer science complexes at BTU are:
Foundations of Computer Science:
- Theoretical foundations on algebraic and logical concepts, replacement systems, automata, programs, concurrent processes, networks, complexity;
- Algorithmic foundations on data structures, design and analysis of algorithms, verification, cryptography, signal processing, arithmetic;
- Programming language fundamentals on semantics, compiler techniques, specification, algebraic, functional and logical programming.
Practical Computer Science:
- Databases and information systems with modeling, database languages, security concepts, federated databases, knowledge bases, implementations;
- Graphical systems with graphics algorithms, geometric transformations, algorithmic geometry, graphics hardware, graphical simulation;
- Design methods and tools with large systems design methodology, specification, simulation and verification, automatic synthesis, hardware/software codesign, systematic system design, fault tolerance and software reliability.
Applied and Engineering Computer Science:
- Distributed systems with performance evaluation, modeling, concurrency, client-server systems, distribution platforms, transactional systems;
- Multimedia services with videoconferencing, interactive television, computer cooperative work;
- Hardware with semiconductors, integration techniques, circuit design, computer architecture, fault behavior, reliability, testability;
- Computer-based systems with embedded hardware/software systems, digital signal processing, real-time systems; computer networks and communication systems with architecture and standards, protocol engineering, high-performance communications.