
The Master program in Urban Design and Sustainable Revitalization is designed for graduates who are interested in addressing the critical need within urban design for the sustainable revitalization of urban areas.

Academic Qualifications
Bachelor degree in Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Landscape Planning or Landscape Architecture.
Other Qualifications
Experience in identifying relevant urban development problems, defining tasks, methods and strategies to solve problems and the ability to design qualified concepts
English Language Skills*
TOEFLat least 79 points (iBT)
IELTSminimum of 6.0 points
Cambridge CertificateCAE with grade B or CPE with grade C

*For details on the English language requirements, please check the following link

    Important Visa Information

    According to the experience of recent years, Iranian nationals are presently not able to receive a visa for Egypt. This means that students with Iranian nationality would not be able to attend the mandatory semesters at our partner universities in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt, in order to obtain their Double Degree. Therefore, we recommend that Iranian citizens do not apply for the Double Degree but instead apply for the standard degree in Urban Design and Sustainable Revitalization, which can be fully studied at BTU.

    Deadline for applicants with a foreign Master entrance:15 May (via uni assist)
    Deadline for applicants with a foreign Master entrance qualification and EU/EEA citizenship:15 August (via uni assist)
    Deadline for applicants with a German Master entrance qualification:31 August (via myBTU)

    Applications via uni assist usually open in March. Applications via myBTU usually open in May.

    • Graduates with a foreign Master entry qualification apply via uni assist, an external organisation that conducts the formal evaluation of the candidates’ academic qualifications.
    • Graduates with a German Master entry qualification apply via our university's myBTU application portal.

    For more information on the application process, please see the websites of the Admissions and Registrar's Office.


    * If these documents are issued in a language other than English or German, certified translations have to be provided in addition to the original language documents.

    Additional documents may be required, depending on the application process via uni-assist or myBTU. Please read all information on the respective website carefully!

    Applicants to our university are no longer required to submit certified copies. The upload of scans in the online application process is sufficient. This applies to both applications via uni assist and via myBTU. (Our university reserves the right to request certified copies from individual applicants in exceptional cases.)


    Do you have questions about the application process? Check out our "Frequently Asked Questions". You can also find further information and contact details on the websites of the Admissions and Registrar's Office.

    Do you have questions about the study programme or the subject-specific admission criteria? You can contact us at urban-design-ms(at)