Working Paper: C. Gerling, M. Drechsler, J. Leins, A. Sturm, F. Wätzold (2023): Cost-Effective Policy Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation Under Climate Change – the Need for Flexibility (Link)

Dissertation: Johannes Leins: "Combining model detail with large scales" (link). 

Peer-reviewed publication: Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Astrid Sturm, Frank Wätzold: Time to consider the timing of conservation measures: designing cost-effective agri-environment schemes under climate change. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. (link)

Dissertation: Charlotte Gerling: "Economics of climate adaptation for biodiversity conservation" (link)

Working Paper: Leins J (2022) Finding the right balance of conservation effort in cultivated grasslands: A modelling study on protecting dispersers in a climatically changing and anthropogenically disturbed environment. bioRxiv. (link).

Peer-reviewed publication: Johannes Leins, Volker Grimm, Martin Drechsler (2022): Large‐scale PVA modeling of insects in cultivated grasslands: The role of dispersal in mitigating the effects of management schedules under climate change. Ecology and Evolution, 12(7) (link).

Working Paper: Gerling C, Drechsler M, Keuler K, Sturm A, Wätzold F (2022) Time to consider the timing of conservation measures: designing cost-effective agri-environment schemes under climate change. MPRA. (link).

Peer-reviewed publication: Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Johannes Leins, Kai Radtke, Björn Schulz, Astrid Strum, and Frank Wätzold (2022): Climate-ecological-economic modelling for the cost-effective spatio-temporal allocation of conservation measures in cultural landscapes facing climate change. QOpen (link).

Working Paper: Johannes Leins and Martin Drechsler (2021): Large scale PVA modelling of insects in cultivated grasslands: the role of dispersal in mitigating the effects of management schedules under climate change. (Link)

Peer-reviewed publication: Martin Drechsler, Charlotte Gerling, Klaus Keuler, Johannes Leins, Astrid Sturm and Frank Wätzold (2021): A quantitative approach for the design of robust and cost-effective conservation policies under uncertain climate change: The case of grasshopper conservation in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Journal of Environmental Management, 296. (Link)

Working Paper: Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Johannes Leins, Kai Radtke, Björn Schulz, Astrid Strum, and Frank Wätzold (2021): Cost-effective conservation in the face of climate change: combining ecological-economic modelling and climate science for the cost-effective spatio-temporal allocation of conservation measures in agricultural landscapes. (Link)

Peer-reviewed publication: Charlotte Gerling, Frank Wätzold (2021): An economic evaluation framework for land‐use‐based conservation policy instruments in a changing climate, Conservation Biology (Link)

Peer-reviewed publication: Leins, J.A., Banitz, T., Grimm, V., & Drechsler, M. 2021. High-resolution PVA along large environmental gradients to model the combined effects of climate change and land use timing: lessons from the large marsh grasshopper. Ecological Modelling, 440, 109355. (Link)

Working Paper: Charlotte Gerling, Astrid Strum, and Frank Wätzold (2020): The impact of climate change on the profit-maximising timing of grassland use and conservation costs (Link)

Working Paper: Gerling, Charlotte and Wätzold, Frank (2019): Evaluating policy instruments for the conservation of biodiversity in a changing climate. (Link)

The cost and benefit data that is the basis for the site selection of the article published in QOpen (Gerling et al. 2022) can be downloaded from here:
benefits 2020-39
benefits 2060-79
costs 2020-39
costs 2060-79

Further explanation regarding the excel tabels is available here.