Correction and combination methods for forecasting to improve system integration of renewable energies (FOCCSI 2)
Funded by: the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
Project duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Cooperation: TenneT (a transmission system operator in the Netherlands and in a large part of Germany) is associated partner.
The FOCCSI 2 project is particularly interested in investigating effective techniques for forecasting highly dynamic forecast variables, such as renewable energy sources. The central research topic is the development of statistical and machine learning methods for the correction and combination of forecasts, which are used to generate more powerful meta-forecasts. The project also focuses on conducting a cost-benefit analysis of each forecast, by investigating the trade-off between minimizing the financial burden of purchasing more forecasts and the achievement of a certain forecast quality of the combined forecast.