Current Projects
Publicly available information for medium and high-voltage power supply units
Funded by: Partners from the industry
Project duration: 01.05.2024 - 30.09.2024
The project focuses on the collection of comprehensive data to create an accessible and user-friendly database on medium and high voltage grid projects. This includes detailed information on grid components such as overhead lines/underground cables in AC/DC voltage, transformers, grid amplifiers and converter stations, covering aspects of geographical region, dimensions, electrical parameters, manufacturers and costs, which include publicly available sources. The collected raw data is structured in a database with an intuitive interface that allows the user to search for the relevant components and their costs.
mFUND project: MoVeTo Lausitz
Mobility support using data-based traffic control as well as alternative offers for tourist mobility in Lusatia.
Project duration 2022 - 2025
The tourism sector represents enormous potential for structural strengthening in lignite mining areas that are in transition. The Lusatian mining area in particular already has some very well-known destinations (including the Spreewald, the Lusatian Lake District, the Cottbus Baltic Sea).
Due to the rural area, the attractiveness of several tourist hot spots located at great distances from each other and the lack of needs-based alternatives, there is a risk that tourism traffic in Lusatia will continue to be predominantly carried out by motorized individual transport in the future. Intelligent, multimodal and needs-oriented mobility concepts can be used to meet the market's short-term need for adaptation.
Intelligent traffic controls, efficient parking space management, data platforms, autonomous transport offers and on-demand offers in local public transport can make a decisive contribution to regional development.
Visit the MoVeToLausitz homepage for further information about the project, the project partners and current events.
Project status
The relevant regions to tourism have already been analyzed, contact has been made with tourism associations and the parking spaces in the partner municipalities of Burg (Spreewald) and Senftenberg that are suitable for parking sensors have been selected. The sensors are currently being procured and put into operation on site. In addition, possible socially innovative financing and business models will be identified and initial field studies will be planned.
Correction and combination methods for forecasting to improve system integration of renewable energies (FOCCSI 2)
Funded by: the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
Project duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Cooperation: TenneT (a transmission system operator in the Netherlands and in a large part of Germany) is associated partner.
The FOCCSI 2 project is particularly interested in investigating effective techniques for forecasting highly dynamic forecast variables, such as renewable energy sources. The central research topic is the development of statistical and machine learning methods for the correction and combination of forecasts, which are used to generate more powerful meta-forecasts. The project also focuses on conducting a cost-benefit analysis of each forecast, by investigating the trade-off between minimizing the financial burden of purchasing more forecasts and the achievement of a certain forecast quality of the combined forecast.
Energy Innovation Center (Energie-Innovationszentrum – EIZ)
Achieving global climate goals requires effective and efficient management of CO2 in all sectors. From an economic point of view, this can only be achieved through a greater interconnection of the various energy systems (electricity, heat, gas, industry, transport and traffic) and the various system actors. The Energy Innovation Center (Energie-Innovationszentrum – EIZ) accompanies this global transformation of the energy sector by (co-)establishing and (co-)securing regional technology leadership for science and industry as well as the start-up competence of Lusatia in the areas of sector coupling and the intelligent, digital operation of energy systems. The aim is to ensure that the energy sector remains the mainstay of Lusatia's economic and technological identity even in the age of renewable energies and digitalization, and that the Lusatian mining region is further developed into a sustainable energy region serving this purpose. The EIZ consists of six networked laboratories (labs) with their own thematic focuses:
- Energy Economics Lab (EECON Lab)
- Electric Power Systems Lab (EPS Lab)
- Control Systems and Cyber Security Lab (COSYS Lab)
- Energy Storage and Conversion Lab (ESC Lab)
- High Power Grid Converter Lab (HPGC Lab)
- Scientific Computing Lab (SC Lab)
System analysis of transport solutions for green hydrogen (TransHyDE)
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: Mid 2021 – 31.03.2025
Cooperation: More than 20 project partners from science and research institutions & 8 associated partners from the energy industry.
TransHyDE is one of the three German flagship projects on hydrogen, which represent a central contribution of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy. Taken together, they represent the largest funding initiative of the Federal Ministry of Research on the subject of the energy transition to date. They make a decisive contribution to Germany's entry into the hydrogen economy.
TransHyDE website
Germany's flagship hydrogen projects
Intelligente Digitalisierung der Energieversorgung zur Optimierung des Netzbetriebs und zur Erhöhung der Akzeptanz (IDiNA)
Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Cooperation: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU), OFFIS e.V., PSI Software AG, SWW Wunsiedel GmbH, SWH Stadtwerke Haßfurt GmbH, Es-geht! Energiesysteme GmbH
The Kopernikus project Ariadne - evidence-based assessment for shaping the German energy transition
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 2023 - 2026
The Chair of Energy Economics is part of the work package for the further development of electricity and energy market design. This package will develop and discuss decision bases for the further development of the energy market design. In a case study, the Chair of Energy Economics is investigating the effects of supply uncertainties on the procurement costs of green hydrogen. Furthermore, the Chair of Energy Economics is contributing to a work area that is researching the development and evaluation of the design of green electricity certificates in order to supply voluntary consumers with climate-neutral electricity.