EventEvent titleOfficer
12th German-Russian Conference"Dynamic Forecast Combinations of Photovoltaic Feed-in"Dr. Dragana Nikodinoska
EWI Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany"On the Long-Term Merit Order Effect of Renewable Energies"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
Doctoral Seminar, Institute of Electrical and Thermal Energy Systems, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany"The costs of ignoring uncertainty: an illustrative toy model" Presentation | GitHubIegor Riepin
Doctoral Seminar, Institute of Electrical and Thermal Energy Systems, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg"Dynamic Forecast Combinations of Photovoltaic Feed-in"Dr. Dragana Nikodinoska
University of Victoria (UVic), Victoria BC, Canada"Robust optimization of electricity system expansion" Presentation | GitHubIegor Riepin
16th International Conference on the Euopean Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia"A first analysis of the photovoltaic auction program in Germany"Taimyra Batz Lineiro
16th International Conference on the Euopean Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia"Price and Employment Effects triggered by a German Coal Phase-Out - A Discourse Analysis"Daniel Scholz
ESYS event "On CO2 pricing for sector coupling: A new market design for the energy transition", Berlin, Germany"From CO2 pricing to sector coupling: A new market design for the energy transition"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia"Uncertainty in Integrated Electricity and Gas Markets - Analyzing the Economic Impact"Thomas Möbius
16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia"Short-term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting: A Statistical Approach"Dr. Dragana Nikodinoska
IAEE International Conference, Montreal, Canada"The Long-Term Merit Order Effect of Renewable Electricity"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO30), Dublin, Ireland"Economic impacts of uncertainty in integrated electricity and gas markets"Iegor Riepin
UBC Sauder SBE Seminar, Vancouver, Canada"The Solar Revolution - Who Made It Happen?"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
39th International Symposium on Forecasting 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece"Trimming of forecasts in simple average combinations"Dr. Mathias Käso
Network Meeting Energy System Analysis of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Aachen, Germany"Better Price Forecasts in Energy Economics by Combining Fundamental and Stochastic Models"Thomas Möbius
Network Meeting Energy System Analysis of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Aachen, Germany"The transfer of scientific models in the field of combining generation forecasts into practical applications"Dr. Mathias Käso
Research Seminar at TU Wien EEG, Vienna, Austria"The "Energiewende" in Germany and how it drives research at the chair of Energy Economics"Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens