Khalid Umer, Dr.
Khalid Umer received a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power Systems from University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore in 2013. He received a Master’s Degree (2016) and a Doctoral Degree (2021), both in Electronic Science and Technology form University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). During his PhD, he worked with Sichuan State Provincial Laboratory of Power System Wide Area Measurement and Control on decentralized solutions for secure and efficient peer-to-peer energy trading in microgrids.
Since August 2022, he is a Research Associate with the Chair of Control Systems and Network Control Technology, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU). He is working on the project “ETHAN” under Centre for Hybrid Electric Systems Cottbus (CHESCO). It is a joint industrial project between Rolls-Royce Germany, BTU and 5 other partners and aims to develop control solutions for highly integrated electro-thermal systems of future electrified flight propulsion systems.
His main research interests are control and optimization techniques for secure and efficient future energy sytems.
K. Umer, Q. Huang, M. Khorasany, M. Afzal, W. Amin,
“A novel communication-efficient peer-to-peer energy trading scheme for enhanced privacy in microgrids”,
Applied Energy,2021,
Q. Huang, W. Amin, K. Umer, Hoay Beng Gooi, Foo Yi Shyh Eddy, Muhammad Afzal,
“A Review of Transactive Energy Systems: Concept and Implementation”,
Energy Reports,2021,
W. Amin, Q. Huang, K. Umer, Z. Zhang, M. Afzal, A. A. Khan, S. A. Ahmed,
“A motivational game-theoretic approach for peer-to-peer energy trading in islanded and grid-connected microgrid”,
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020,
W. Amin, Q. Huang, M. Afzal, A. A. Khan, Z. Zhang, K. Umer,
“Consumers ’ preference based optimal price determination model for P2P energy trading”,
Electric Power Systems Research 187, October 2020,
W. Amin, Q. Huang, M. Afzal, A. Khan, K. Umer, S. Ahmed,
“A converging non-cooperative & cooperative game theory approach for stabilizing peer-to-peer electricity trading”,
Electric Power Systems Research 183, June 2020,
M. Afzal, Q. Huang, W. Amin, K. Umer, A. Raza, M. Naeem,
“Blockchain enabled distributed demand side management in community energy system with smart homes”,
IEEE Access, 2020,
M. Afzal, K. Umer, W. Amin, M. Naeem, D. Cai, Z. Zhenyuan, Q. Huang,
‘‘Blockchain based domestic appliances scheduling in community microgrids,’’
in Proc. IEEE Innov. Smart Grid Technol.—Asia (ISGT Asia), May 2019,