Current Projects

Here you will find a selection of our current research projects.

  • Full title: Mobility Transition in Emergency Medical Services, Fire Department, and Disaster Relief in Lusatia (POWER-2-RESCUE)
  • Coordinator: Björn Steiger Foundation (DE), Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (DE)
  • Funding agency: Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (Funding program "mFUND", grant no. 19FS1012C)
  • Duration: 2023-07-01 – 2025-06-30
  • Project manager at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
  • Summary:

    The POWER-2-RESCUE project, led by the Björn Steiger Foundation in collaboration with the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, examines the impact of the mobility transition on emergency services, fire departments, and disaster management in the 'Health Model Region Lusatia'. This initiative is driven by the impending end of the approval of internal combustion engines in the EU, necessitating the introduction of alternative propulsion technologies for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). This requires new decision-making bases for municipalities and districts, as well as early information for manufacturers about future investment needs. As part of the project, a feasibility study will be conducted to explore approaches for environmentally friendly propulsion systems and the necessary refueling and charging infrastructure for emergency vehicles used by fire departments, emergency services, and disaster management. The foundation will be data and scientific forecasts provided by end-users to develop practical solutions. Two expert workshops with end-users will be held to develop practical and innovation-oriented content, identify needs, and propose solutions. This will form the basis for a subsequent exploratory project. A literature review will support the socio-economic contextualization of the topic, and the findings will be published in a study. Finally, the results will be discussed and evaluated in a workshop with manufacturers and equipment suppliers. The project focuses particularly on the Lusatia region, which faces significant economic restructuring due to the planned phase-out of lignite by 2038. At the same time, the reform of the hospital structure and emergency care requires an adaptation of regional infrastructures to ensure reliable public services. POWER-2-RESCUE is the first nationwide project to comprehensively and openly address the future operational capability of BOS institutions in the face of the energy transition. It provides early decision-making aids for investments in the emergency services of the future.

  • Full title: Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrolysis Materials for Clean Hydrogen Production (CLEANHYPRO)
  • Coordinator: TECNALIA, Donostia/San Sebastián (ES)
  • Funding agency: European Union (HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01, project no. 101091777)
  • Duration: 2023-10-01 – 2027-09-30
  • Project manager at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
  • Summary:

    CLEANHYPRO brings together some of the most esteemed research institutions in Europe in the field of water electrolysis. CLEANHYPRO aims to provide several key resources: Production Pilots: The project offers access to promising and groundbreaking production pilots. Advanced Characterization Techniques and Modeling: Advanced techniques and modeling capabilities are available for characterization. Non-Technical Services: In addition to technical resources, CLEANHYPRO also offers non-technical services. This Open Innovation Test Bed serves as a central hub for stakeholders and has the potential to involve companies on an international scale. Within the scope of CLEANHYPRO, various innovative materials and key components of the four main electrolysis technologies are covered. CLEANHYPRO creates a single entry point for industrial partners, especially SMEs, reducing investment costs and minimizing risks associated with technology transfer. It also provides opportunities for material and component demonstrations (TRL7) to accelerate the market entry of these new products. In Showcase #1, dedicated to alkaline electrolysis, BTU provides test capabilities for relevant industrial partners to evaluate novel electrode materials, separators, or cell designs for pressurized operation.

  • Full title: Pressurized Efficient Alkaline Electrolyser (PEACE)
  • Partners: DLR (DE), MMI (IT), TU Eindhoven (NL), Grant Garant (CZ), HyCC (NL), DTU (DK)
  • Funding agency: European Union (HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2, project no. 101101343)
  • Duration: 2023-06-01 – 2026-05-31
  • Project manager at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
    • Hesham Mahfouz, M.Sc.
  • Summary:
    PEACE is developing an advanced alkaline electrolysis system (AEL) that can operate under high pressures. The main objective of PEACE is to optimize the AEL system for high efficiency. Through a unique concept, we achieve a pressure of up to 90 bar using a dual-stage pressure design. Our research focuses on designing a pressure vessel and cell stack to overcome the challenges of high-pressure operation and achieve exceptional efficiencies. At our hydrogen research center, we are conducting tests on the AEL system with a capacity of over 50 kW to validate the technology. Cost efficiency is a central aspect of the project, and we aim for low capital and operating costs. PEACE will make a significant contribution to sustainable energy generation and support the transition to a cleaner future.
  • Website:
  • Full title: Energy Innovation Center (EIZ) of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • Sub-project: Energy Storage and Conversion (ESEW)
  • Funding agency: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg (ILB)
  • Duration: 2022-08-01 – 2026-07-31
  • Project manager at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
  • Summary:
    In the EIZ-ESEW project, novel noble metal-free catalyst materials for anion exchange membrane electrolysis (AEMEL) are being investigated in order to make an important contribution to the development of the technology from laboratory to industrial scale. Single cells with an active area of up to 360 cm2 are examined (temperature up to 150°C, pressure up to 20 bar, long-term stability up to 1,000 h). Furthermore, an AEMEL short stack is being developed and tested. In addition, a stationary, complete physical model of the AEMEL at the cell level will be developed.
  • Full title: Use of hydrogen fuel cell drives in local transport in the district of Barnim, operated with 100% renewable hydrogen
  • BTU sub-project: Accompanying research: Green hydrogen production, transport and storage
  • Funding agency: ILB Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg - ZiFoG funds MWAE (No. 80259654)
  • Duration: 2022-01-01 – 2035-12-31
  • Project partners:
    • NEB Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (NEB)
    • ENERTRAG EnergieWerk Barnim GmbH & Co. KG (i.G.)
    • Barnimer Energiebeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (BEBG)
    • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Project managers at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
    • Frank Gillung, M.Sc.
  • Summary:
    The focus of the accompanying research is the reduction of the traction subsidy costs of fuel cell vehicles with the aim of at least achieving cost parity with diesel operation in the near future. The project aims to systematically identify and implement cost reduction potentials at component and overall system level for the entire process chain from generation, processing, storage (BTU) and refueling (DLR) to the use of hydrogen in vehicles (DLR). The research project is intended to show that, unlike operation using overhead lines, CO2-free electrical operation with fluctuating renewable energies is also possible without the expansion of electricity storage, grid expansion or load management and that cost parity with the diesel reference can be achieved in the medium term.
  • Full title: Utilization and storage of fluctuating regenerative energies and CO2 emission reduction - application-oriented qualification of the ABRW process for biomethanation
  • Funding agency: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR)
  • Funding reference: 2220NR200B
  • Duration: 2021-11-15 – 2024-12-31
  • Project partners:
    • BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Waste Management
    • HAVER & BOECKER OHG, Oelde
    • Prof. (retired) Dr.-Ing. habil. Gunter Busch, Dresden
  • Project managers at BTU:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Röntzsch
    • Krunal Thummar, M.Sc.
  • Summary:
    The aim of the project is the integration of biomethanation in the innovative ABRW process (anaerobic bio-reactive permeable wall) in the energy network of wind power plants, emission-intensive industrial processes and biogas/biomethane plants or mechanical-biological waste treatment plants for methane feed into the natural gas network. The central subject is the use of regeneratively produced hydrogen by reacting with CO2 and producing methane that can be fed into the grid. This is intended to promote the indirect use of renewable electricity and to achieve its storage and transport. As a gaseous energy source, fuel or chemical starting material, it can be linked to other sectors and economic cycles. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is directly linked to the technological solution. Instead of separation, CO2 is used in particular, so that one can speak of a real CO2 circular economy.