Before embarking on a project, bachelor's, or master's thesis at the Chair of Thermal Energy Techology, it is recommended to have successfully completed foundational university courses in thermodynamics, process engineering, physics, inorganic chemistry, and/or physical chemistry for engineers. Refreshing one's understanding of the course contents is also advisable.
Here you will find the binding Guidelines for the creation and design of an academic (thesis) paper of the Chair of Thermal Energy Technology.
The following scientific topics can be individually developed as an academic project, a bachelor's thesis, or a master's thesis at the Chair of Thermal Energy Technology:
Electrochemical Hydrogen Production Systems:
- Modeling of the material and energy balances of an alkaline electrolysis plant
- Modeling of the material and energy balances of an AEM electrolysis plant
- Modeling of the material and energy balances of an PEM electrolysis plant
- Design of a high-pressure AEM electrolysis cell
- Design of a high-pressure AEM electrolysis cell stack
Thermochemical Hydrogen Energy Systems:
- Model development (COMSOL Multiphysics) and simulation of a metal hydride-based hydrogen purification system focusing on mixture of two gases, for example H2/N2 and H2/CO2
- Model development (COMSOL Multiphysics) and simulation of a metal hydride-based hydrogen compression system
- Innovative metal hydride tank design and simulation for ambient temperature charging and discharging
- Design, development and testing of a lab-scale compressor-operated metal hydride-based cooling system