The current activities at the Institute of Mathematics at the BTU can be described as "building bridges in mathematics". There is excellent mathematical research at many universities in Germany, but research collaborations that transgress boundaries of mathematical sub-disciplines are often difficult to establish and therefore still rare. At our institute we are working on projects and ideas that build bridges across such boundaries. As a partner for interdisciplinary research cooperations, the Institute for Mathematics also builds bridges to other subjects, such as computer science, engineering, or biotechnology; our own research activities inoptimization, numerics, stochastics and analysis serve as a guideline and are open towards interdisciplinary research projects with other fields of research.
The Applied Mathematics MSc programme is one of the pillars for doctoral projects at the Institute of Mathematics. In recent years, we have repeatedly succeeded in retaining excellent young talents at the BTU as is shown by the prizes, such as the Max Grünebaum Prize or the BTU's best dissertation award that our graduates have received.
Members of our institute are involved in various research clusters, including the Lausitz Center for Artificial Intelligence (LZKI), the Energy Innovation Center (EIZ) or the Graduate Research School (GRS) of the BTU, which enables young scientists to do address some of the grand challenges with their research.