
Basic Courses (1st and 2nd year of study)

12101 Design of Algorithms and Programming (VL+UE), Inhalt und Termin

12102 Programming Laboratory (PR), Inhalt und Termin

12111 Introductory Seminar

  • "Suchtechniken und Heuristiken"
  • "Maschinelles Lernen"
  • "How to prove it"
  • "Geschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz"

12216 Robotik (PR), Inhalt und Termin

Main Course (from 3rd study year)

11149 Robotik (PR), Inhalt und Termin

12349 Modern Functional Programming (VL+UE), Inhalt und Termin

12350 Compiler Construction (VL+UE), Inhalt und Termin

12461 Seminar

  • "Techniken der Programmanalyse"

12472 Introduction to Constraint Programming (VL+UE), Inhalt und Termin

12474 Programming Languages and Compiler Construction Laboratory (PR), Inhalt und Termin

11374 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (VL+UE). Inhalt und Termin

VL = Lecture
UE = Seminar
PR = Practical Instruction