Home diagnostics for patients with schizophrenia

Timo Greiner, Immanuel-Klinik Rüdersdorf, Germany

Clozapine is – even after more than five decades and despite the development of several other antipsychotic drugs – still the goldstandard in the treatment of schizophrenia. It can be especially helpful for patients who did not respond to other antipsychotics in the past. However, clozapine bears the risk of agranulocytosis. This potentially lethal adverse drug reaction occurs in around 1% of the patients and requires regular blood monitoring that might be challenging in a rural region such as Brandenburg. In addition, paranoid delusions and suspicion might prevent patients from regular blood takes. We, therefore, plan the development of a paper-based diagnostic tool that allows the patients to monitor their granuzlocyte cell count. This will be combined with a smartphone app in order to allow easy communication with the treating psychiatrist. This tool might also find utility in other disciplines such as oncology.