Gastvortrag – Prof. Dr. Angela Krewani: Mediating ecological knowledge

Wintervorträge 2018/19 im IKMZ – Why Environmental Humanities? | The lectures impacts on the complex dimensions and connotations of the term ‘media ecology’ with the help of media theory.

The lectures impacts on the complex dimensions and connotations of the term ‘media ecology’ with the help of media theory. The term is understood as organising different systems and defining the relationship between object and environment as well as defining a specific narrative genre of films pointing to environmental issues. This tension will be specified in the lecture.

Bemerkung zum Termin:
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt!

7. OG
Inf.-,Komm.-u.Medien-Ztr. (IKMZ)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2
03044 Cottbus


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. phil. habil. Astrid Schwarz
Allgemeine Technikwissenschaft
T +49 (0) 355 69-3162