It's all in the mix - securing skilled workers in the care sector//Event on May 5, 2022
Securing the demand for skilled and assistant nursing staff is only possible through the simultaneous implementation of different, complementary approaches. There is no ONE SOLUTION!
In the context of this specialist event, the current situation in Brandenburg will first be presented, taking into account the various ideas and possibilities. In a further step, practitioners will present and discuss real-life approaches to solutions in Brandenburg.
Nursing education is undergoing fundamental reform in Germany: On July 17, 2017, the Nursing Profession Reform Act (PflBRefG) was passed by the Bundestag with the approval of the Bundesrat. With this law, the three professions of geriatric care, health care and nursing, and health care and pediatric nursing, which were previously separated by age group, will be merged into a single, generalist vocational training program from 2020.
The new degree with the occupational title "nursing specialist" will enable graduates to work in all areas of nursing care. The degree is recognized throughout Europe. Program & Registration
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Beachten Sie bitte, dass die Anzahl an verfügbaren Plätzen begrenzt ist. Bitte melden Sie sich bis Freitag, den 29.4.2022 um 12 Uhr verbindlich für die Veranstaltung an.
Gebäude 11-Hörsaal SFB
(Geb. 11)
Campus Senftenberg
Universitätsplatz 1
01968 Senftenberg
Abteilung für Lehren und Lernen in der Berufspraxis
T +49 (0) 3573 85-723