Summer School »Characterization of micro- and nano-materials« 2025
The Summer School 2025 on »Characterization of micro- and nano-materials« will take place at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg from September 15th to 19th, 2025. This year, the key aspect will be on batteries with the preliminary title »Batteries: Fundamentals, Materials, Applications, and Recycling«.
The scope of the Summer School comprises modern topics in materials synthesis, experimental characterization, and application. Particular emphasis will be put on state-of-the-art advanced methods for materials characterization.
Within the five-day program you will be able to gain and exchange knowledge based on introductory tutorials and specific talks rendered by renowned scientists and specialists in their various fields. Complementing the lectures within the first 3 days, in practical training sessions in the last two days, selected experimental methods and techniques may be seen and experienced »live and in action«.
The official language of the Summer School is English.
The participation (registration fee and coffee breaks included) is free of charge, while all other expenses (e.g., accomodation, travel expenses) have to be covered by the participant.
Especially for students: The Summer School is part of the regular curriculum of the Master Study Course »Physics« at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (number of lecture 150360, module number 13016), for which 6 credit points may be obtained.
BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg
Main Campus
Building LG1A (google maps)
Room 304
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1
03046 Cottbus

We acknowledge the financial support of
- SENTECH Instruments GmbH
- Scienta Omicron
- SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH