The technical equipment of our chair
- XPS/UPS: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- PEEM: Photo Emission Electron Microscopy
- NEXAFS-Spectroscopy chamber for ultra-high vacuum (UHV)
- AFM-STM: Combined Atomic Force and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (Omicron) for measurements in UHV
- Raman-Microscope
- Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
- Interference Microscope Epival Interphako (Carl Zeiss)
- Reflected-Light Microscope Epityp (Carl Zeiss)
- MicroViewer (Kappa) (Video Microscope 1000 times Magnification)
- LEED (BDL800 LEED Scienta Omicron)
Layer Deposition and Surface Treatment
- Atomic layer depsoition (ALD)
- Glove-Box
- UV Ozone Cleaner
- Flow Reactor (atmospheric pressure) for the Methanisation of CO2 (Sabatier-Reaction)
- Reactor for the direct CO2 conversion to methanol
Electrical Characterization
- Oscilloscop HP 54616 (500 MHz, 2 Gsa/s, single shot)
- Generators, Frequency Counter, Multimeter, Power Supplies (HP, Hameg, Keithley, Prema)
- LCR-Meter Agilent 4284A, LCR-817 (instek)
- Network Analyzer Agilent E5100A
- CV Set-Up, IV Set-up
Further Equipment
- Pyrometer (Temperature Recording ) Modline plus icron 400-1200°C