Exhibition "Architecture transformed"
The exhibition "Architecture Transformed - The Digital Image in Architecture 1980-2020" marks the conclusion of the research project "Architecture Transformed - Architectural Processes in the Digital Image Space", which took place from 2019 to 2022 in collaboration between the German Documentation Center for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg and the Chair of Architecture and Visualization at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
It shows the results from one of twelve sub-projects from the first period of the DFG Priority Program 2172 "The Digital Image", which is jointly coordinated by Hubertus Kohle (Munich) and Hubert Locher (Marburg) in two phases of three years each. From a transdisciplinary perspective, the program addresses "the central role that the image plays in the complex process of the digitization of knowledge in theory and practice" and reflects on the accompanying transformation in art, science and culture as a "profound epistemological upheaval".
2. Floor
Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2
03044 Cottbus