Studying in the library

Nutzen Sie die Bibliothek zum Lernen, Lesen und Arbeiten.

Learning location

Use the library for reading, studying and research. At all 3 locations you will find work spaces in the reading room as well as individual study and group study spaces.

Wir bieten Ihnen ein vielfältiges Spektrum an Kursen und Führungen.

Courses, tours

We offer our library courses also in english. Please contact us for more information.

Für Lehrveranstaltungen an der BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg richten wir auf Wunsch der Dozenten Semesterapparate ein.

Semester collection

Selected book collections can be assigned to lectures at BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg upon request of the lecturer.

Online-Tutorials als Selbstlernhilfe

Online tutorials

Learn through self-study how to use our services and reseach possibilities.

Hochwertige Multifunktionsgeräte zum Kopieren, Drucken und Scannen.

Printing, copying and scanning

Cannon company provides quality multifunction devices for photocopies and printing.

Nutzen des Netzwerkes im IKMZ

Online access

Use our computers to use the Internet and Microsoft Office or OpenOffice applications through your library account.

Barrierefrei Studieren - Nutzen Sie unseren sehbehindertengerchten Arbeitsplatz im Carrel 7.

Working cabin for visually impaired

For Students with disabilities, we offer barrier-free access and working spaces at the ICMC. At Carrel 7 a PC workplace for people with visual impairment.

Studieren mit Kind ... Nutzen Sie unsere Kinderecke.

Childrens corner

As a "family-friendly university", we support students with children. In the cafeteria of the library at the Central Campus a reading corner and books for children of different age groups can be...