Fees and reminders
Our fees are stated in the fee regulations of the Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (GeOBTU) of 12 July 2021, published in: Mitteillungen / Amtsblatt der BTU Cottbus (2021, H. 10, 22.07.2021).

You can find the status of your pending charges in the library catalogue under the tab "Account".
Registration and use of the library is free of charge.
When exceeding the loan period, overdue fines have to be paid without the necessity of a reminder from the University Library C-S, starting from the day after the end of the loan period. They amount
- from 1st calendar day: 1,50 €
- from 8th calendar day: plus 2,50 €
- from the 15th calendar day: plus 5,00 €
- from the 22nd calendar day: plus 6,00 €.
The fee is maximum 15.00 € per book / media unit.
For manually created written overdue notices the user will be charged the resulting postage as well.
When exceeding the loan period under special lending conditions a late fee is charged. It amounts for each media unit and commenced opening day € 2.00.
The processing fees for
- Replacement in case of book (media) loss by replacing the original, obtaining a copy, a reprint or a replacement title
- Procurement costs plus administration fee for procurement by the UL 20,00 €
- or administration fee for procurement by the user: 10,00 €
- Replacement of the card case of loss of the user card: 5,00 €
For the repair of damaged media the culprit has to pay the repair costs plus an additional administration fee of 10,00 €.
Payment of the library fines
Central Campus
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m,
Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Campus Senftenberg
Monday, Thursday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sachsendorf Campus
Monday, Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
To pay your fees you can use the payment machine at the entrance of the ICMC. You will need your library card or your student card (smart card) for the deposit.
The library charges will be debited from the chip card. You can charge the card at the copy card machine (maximum 100 €).
Please identify yourself at the machine with your smart card.
The account will be opened and on the large display the open fees are displayed.
The payment system is directly connected to the loan system. You can pay individual fees or the total outstanding amount .
Your account will be automatically unlocked if the fees are below € 30.
In case of further account lock or other problems please notify the loan desk.
You can also pay your fees by bank transfer. It may take up to 14 days until your account is charged . Therefore we recommend for outstanding fees to payment on site, before you account is locked.
The following data are required for the bank transfer:
Bank details
Landesbank Hessen Thüringen (Helaba)
Kontoinhaber: Landeshauptkasse Land Brandenburg / BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
BLZ: 300 500 00 | BIC: WELADEDDXXX
Kto: 7110402950 | IBAN: DE57 3005 0000 7110 4029 50
Kassenzeichen: 1006600002415
To assign the payment clearly, please enter the following details in the field purpose:
- User number
- Your full name ( Family- und Surname!)