M.Sc. Prashanth Akkal Devi
Lehrgebäude 3E - Raum 2.22
T +49 (0) 355 69 5077
Consultation Hours: by arrangement, via e-mail
2023- presemt - Research Associate, Brandenburg University of Technology
2023 - Data Science Bootcamp, WBS Coding School, Berlin, Germany
2021-2022 - Research Associate, Brandenburg University of Technology & Fraunhofer IPMS, Cottbus, Germany
2021 - Master of Science in Scientific Instrumentation, Jena University of Applied Sciences, Germany
2019-2021 - Student assistant in characterization and data analysis, Fraunhofer IPMS, Cottbus, Germany
2015-2016 - Design and Simulation Engineer, Ramtech Engineering Services, Hyderabad, India
2015 - Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical ENgineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, India
Current Research Project:
Optimal selection of raw forecasts in forecast combinations for improved detection of
of the network state as well as the integration of renewable energies
Current Research Project:
Optimal selection of raw forecasts in forecast combinations for improved detection of
of the network state as well as the integration of renewable energies