M.Sc. Tianxiao Xie
Academic Employee
- Design of the highly efficient heat exchanger for use in the "TFC" project
High performance surface to increase heat transfer
Scale and non-scale turbulence modeling thermal fluid dynamics
thermal fluid dynamics
turbomachinery and aircraft engines
Research Assistant at the Chair of Aircraft Engine Design,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Höschler, Institute for Traffic Engineering,
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg
Oct 2, 2016 – Sep 2019
Study of "Mechanical Engineering" with a focus on aerospace technology, Technical University of Dresden
Oct. 3, 2018 – Feb. 2019
Student assistant (SHK) at the Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion, with Professor Ronald Mailach and Dr. Martin Lange, Technical University of Dresden;
SHK at the professorship for fluid mechanics, with Professor Fröhlich, Technical University of Dresden
4 Sep. 2012 – July 2016
Studies in "Energy Technology" with a focus on gas turbines, Harbin Engineering University