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Combining in situ synchrotron X-ray imaging and multiphysics simulation to reveal pore formation dynamics in laser welding of copper Author(s) Florian, Tobias, Schricker, Klaus, Zenz, Constantin, Otto, Andreas, Schmidt, Leander, Diegel, Christian, Friedmann, Hannes, Seibold, Marc, Hellwig, Peter, Fröhlich, Fabian, Nagel, Falk, Kallage, Peter, Buttazzoni, Michele, Rack, Alexander, Requardt, Herwig, Chen, Yunhui, Bergmann, Jean Pierre Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2025 Publisher name Elsevier BV In situ high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging; Multi-physics simulation; Laser beam welding; Copper; Pore formation; Concentric intensity distributions Source International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, S. 1 - 22 Volume 204 ISSN 0890-6955 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2024.104224
Influence of the eutectic interface on the fatigue behavior of friction stir spot welds of aluminum with copper Author(s) Tognoli, Emanuele, Schricker, Klaus, Bassolini, Elena, Bergmann, Jean Pierre Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2025 Publisher name Elsevier friction stir spot welding; aluminum-copper welding; fatigue behavior; fracture propagation; intermetallic compound Source International Journal of Fatigue Volume 194 Issue/Journal number May 2025 ISSN 0142-1123 1879-3452 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2025.108834
Structure Formation and Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Al4043 (AlSi5) Components Author(s) Kotlarski, Georgi, Ormanova, Maria, Nikitin, Alexander, Morozova, Iuliia, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Valkov, Stefan Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2024 structure; morphology; hardness; tensile strength; defects formation; WAAM; AlSi5; Al4043; GMAW; cold arc pulse Source Metals Volume 14 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 2075-4701 DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/met14020183
Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of CAP-WAAM Single-Track Al5356 Specimens of Differing Scale Author(s) Kotlarski, Georgi, Ormanova, Maria, Nikitin, Alexander, Morozova, Iuliia, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Valkov, Stefan Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2024 microstructure; WAAM; cold arc pulse (CAP); AlMg5Cr; Al5356; single-track; mechanical properties Source Materials Volume 12 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 2075-1702 DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/machines12010072
Selective Laser Melting of Pure Copper (Cu-ETP) Author(s) Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Kloshek, Alexander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Seidlitz, Holger Type image Year of publication 2024 Publisher name Bremen, Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM) e.V. ISBN 978-3-88355-440-2 URL https://acmit.at/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Additive-2024_Book-of-abstracts.pdf
Effects of extended shielding gas coverage on component contour accuracy in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Author(s) Kehm, Christian, Wasilewski, Eric, Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Seidlitz, Holger Type image Year of publication 2024 Publisher name Bremen, Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM) e.V. ISBN 978-3-88355-440-2 URL https://acmit.at/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Additive-2024_Book-of-abstracts.pdf
Wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminum foams using TiH2-Laced Welding Wires Author(s) Köhler, Marcel, Nikitin, Alexander, Sonnenfeld, Peter, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Jüttner, Sven Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2024 Publisher name MDPI AG MIG welding; wire arc additive manufacturing; direct energy deposition; aluminum foam; titanium hydride; foaming agent; metal-cored wires; continuous powder extrusion; energy absorption Source Materials Volume 17 Issue/Journal number 13 ISSN 1996-1944 DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17133176
Geschweißte Konstruktionen aus Aluminiumschaumsandwich Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf, Risse, Steffen, Pöge, Matthias, Vogelsang, Jörg, Cramer, Heidi Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2024 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Festigkeit; Reibschweißen; Richtlinien; Schutzgasschweißen; Werkstofffragen; Werkstoffkombination; strength; friction welding; guidelines; gas-shielded arc welding; material questions; material combinations Source Jahrbuch Schweisstechnik 2025 : ein Leitfaden durch die Branche der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik, S. 356 - 370 ISBN 978-3-96144-271-3
Entwicklung und Analyse einer Fügestrategie für FKV/Metall-Mischverbindungen auf Basis der CMT-Pinschweißtechnik Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg, Ost, Lucas, Kuke, Felix, Doynov, Nikolay, Ambrosio, Marcello, Seidlitz, Holger, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2023 Source Joining Plastics, S. 28 - 35 Volume 17 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 1864-3450 URL https://www.joining-plastics.info/artikel/entwicklung-und-analyse-einer-fuegestrategie-fuer-fkvmetall-mischverbindungen-auf-basis-der-cmt-pinschweisstechnik
On the Heat Treatment of Selective-Laser-Melted 316L Author(s) Morozova, Iuliia, Kehm, Christian, Obrosov, Aleksei, Yang, Yitong, Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Uludintceva, Elena, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Weiß, Sabine, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2023 316L; grain structure; phase evolution; SLM; tensile properties Source Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, S. 4295 - 4305 Volume 32 (2023) Issue/Journal number 10 ISSN 1544-1024 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07404-0
Simulation of Composites’ Heating Author(s) Seidlitz, Holger, Michailov, Vesselin, Ost, Lucas, Kuke, Felix, Ambrosio, Marcello, Shapovalov, Oleg, Doynov, Nikolay Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2023 Composites; Simulation; Joining of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composites Source Kunststoffe international, S. 60 - 64 Volume 113 Issue/Journal number 4 ISSN 1862-4243 URL https://epaper.kunststoffe.de/en/read/26/26/2023-05-26/1
Investigations on the thermal conditions during laser beam welding of high-strength steel 100Cr6 Author(s) Wasilewski, Eric, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2023 laser beam welding; welding temperature field; temperature rates; thermal-metallurgical FE simulation; high-strength steel Source Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 6 ISSN 2666-9129 URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666912923000077 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aime.2023.100118
Force Control Strategies to reduce Weld Distortion and Cold Cracking in Laser Beam Welding Author(s) Wasilewski, Eric Editor(s) Gluschkowa, Diana Borysiwna, Dosschetschkina, Iryna Wasyliwna, Lalasarowa, Natalija Oleksijiwna Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2023 laser beam welding; high-strength steel; cold-cracking; finite element welding simulations Source International Conference of Students and Young Scientists: "Modern Materials and Their Processing Technologies", S. 6 - 16 URL https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370944206
Vorhersage des Elektrodenverschleißes beim Widerstandspunktschweißen von Aluminium durch dynamische Widerstandsmessung Author(s) Turabov, Dashqin, Evdokimov, Anton, Nikitin, Alexander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2023 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2023, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Campus ; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Essen vom 11. bis 14. September 2023 ; (Langfassungen der Beiträge auf USB-Karte), S. 780 - 787 ISBN 978-3-96144-230-0 URL https://www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/abstract.cfm?vid=116&pid=7816 DVS-Berichte ; 389
Resistance spot welding of dissimilar material joints with a cold-gas-sprayed inlayer Author(s) Hagen, Christian, Klinkenberg, Franz-Josef, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2023 resistance spot weld; rsw; cold gas spray; cgs; inlayer; dissimilar joint; aluminium-steel weld Source The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ISSN 1433-3015 0268-3768 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-023-11897-x DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11897-x
Erwärmung von Composites simulieren Author(s) Seidlitz, Holger, Ost, Lucas, Ambrosio, Marcello, Kuke, Felix, Michailov, Vesselin, Shapovalov, Oleg, Doynov, Nikolay Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2023 Faserkunststoffverbunde; Fügen; Simulation Source Kunststoffe, S. 66 - 70 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 0023-5563 URL https://www.kunststoffe.de/a/article-3363044
Geschweißte Konstruktionen aus Aluminiumschaumsandwich Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf, Risse, Steffen, Pöge, Matthias, Vogelsang, Jörg, Cramer, Heidi Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2023 Festigkeit; Reibschweißen; Richtlinien; Schutzgasschweißen; Werkstofffragen; Werkstoffkombination Source Schweißen und Schneiden, S. 912 - 922 Volume 75 Issue/Journal number 12 ISSN 0036-7184
Метод безэлектродного контактирования пьезоэлемента в иммерсионном преобразователе для использования в высокотемпературных проводящих жидких средах Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 Source Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta / Приборы и Техника Эксперимента, S. 154 - 158 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 0032-8162 URL https://sciencejournals.ru/view-article/?j=pribory&y=2022&v=0&n=1&a=Pribory2201022Shapovalov DOI https://doi.org/10.31857/S0032816222010220
Precipitation phenomena in impulse friction stir welded 2024 aluminium alloy Author(s) Morozova, Iuliia, Królicka, Aleksandra, Obrosov, Aleksei, Yang, Yitong, Doynov, Nikolay, Weiß, Sabine, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 AA2024; impulse friction stir welding; microhardness; s precipitation; thermal cycle; deformation Source Materials Science and Engineering: A, S. 1 - 11 ISSN 0921-5093 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.143617
Entwicklung geschweißter Konstruktionen aus Aluminiumsandwich Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2022 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2022, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Campus ; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Koblenz vom 19. bis 21. September 2022 ; (Langfassungen der Beiträge auf USB-Karte), S. 245 - 251 ISBN 978-3-96144-189-1 DVS-Berichte ; 382
Simulation of surface heat treatment with inclined laser beam Author(s) Evdokimov, Anton, Jasiewicz, Filip, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 Source Journal of Manufacturing Processes, S. 107 - 114 Volume 81 ISSN 1526-6125 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.06.051
Influence of Particle Velocities on Adhesion Strength of Cold Spray Inner Diameter Coatings Author(s) Meeß, Joachim, Anasenzl, Manuel, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 adhesion strength; cold gas spraying (cgs); cylinder block application; inner diameter coating; particle velocity Source Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, S. 2025 - 2038 Volume 31 Issue/Journal number 7 ISSN 1544-1016 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11666-022-01439-4
Fabrication and Characterization of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured AlSi5 Structures Author(s) Kotlarski, Georgi, Ormanova, Maria, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Nikitin, Alexander, Doynov, Nikolay, Valkov, Stefan, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 wire arc additive manufacturing; Al4043; AlSi5; heat input; microstructure; eutectic formations Source Metals Volume 12 Issue/Journal number 11 ISSN 2075-4701
Cold Gas Spray Inner Diameter Coatings and Their Properties Author(s) Meeß, Joachim, Anasenzl, Manuel, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Singh, Reeti, Kondas, Jan Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 automotive; cold gas spraying (CGS); cylinder block application; inner diameter coating; wear resistance Source Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, S. 1712 - 1724 Volume 31 ISSN 1544-1016 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11666-022-01365-5
A Method of Electrodeless Contacting of a Piezo Material in a High-Temperature Resistant Ultrasonic Transducer for Use in the Immersion Technique in Electrically Conductive Liquids Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 Source Instruments and Experimental Techniques, S. 175 - 178 Volume 65 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 0020-4412 DOI https://doi.org/10.1134/S0020441222010201
Analysis of Local Strain Evolution during Electron Beam Welding of Hot Crack Sensitive Nickel Base Conventionally Cast Alloy 247 LC CC Author(s) Jokisch, Torsten, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 computational welding mechanics; electron beam welding; hot crack susceptibility; modeling of welding and joining; nickel-based alloys Source Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, S. 7009 - 7017 Volume 31 Issue/Journal number 9 ISSN 1544-1024 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-06660-4
3D-printed structured catalysts for CO2 methanation reaction: Advancing of gyroid-based geometries Author(s) González-Castaño, Miriam, Baena-Moreno, Francisco Manuel, Navarro de Miguel, Juan Carlos, Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Arroyo-Torralvo, Fátima, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Odriozola, José Antonio, Benzinger, Walther, Hensel, Andreas, Wenka, Achim, Arellano-García, Harvey Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2022 3D-printing; Triply periodic minimal surfaces; Fluid guiding elements; CO2 methanation; Structured catalysts; Experiment design Source Energy Conversion and Management Volume 258 ISSN 2590-1745 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115464
Substitution von metallischen Schubfeldern im Fahrzeugbau durch fügetechnische Integration von FKV-Schalen Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg, Seidlitz, Holger, Ost, Lucas, Doynov, Nikolay, Kuke, Felix, Ambrosio, Marcello, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2022 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2022, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Campus ; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Koblenz vom 19. bis 21. September 2022 ; (Langfassungen der Beiträge auf USB-Karte), S. 385 - 393 ISBN 978-3-96144-189-1 URL https://www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/abstract.cfm?vid=115&pid=7586 DVS-Berichte ; 382
Herstellen hocheffektiver Mikroreaktoren durch selektives Laserstrahlschmelzen Author(s) Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Kloshek, Alexander, González-Castaño, Miriam, Kehm, Christian, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2022 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2022, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Campus ; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Koblenz vom 19. bis 21. September 2022 ; (Langfassungen der Beiträge auf USB-Karte), S. 708 - 713 ISBN 978-3-96144-189-1 DVS-Berichte ; 382
Analysis of temperature field during electron beam welding of hot crack sensitive nickel base alloy Author(s) Jokisch, Torsten, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Böttger, Bernd, Senger, Aleksej Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2021 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source IEBW International Electron Beam Welding Conference: lectures of the 6th International Conference taking place online on 9 to 10 March 2021, S. 81 - 87 ISBN 978-3-96144-133-4 URL https://www.dvs-media.eu/media/pdf/DVS_Bericht_368_Inhalt.pdf DVS Berichte ; Band 368
The Local Strain Evolution for Structured Sheet Metals During Uniaxial Deformation Author(s) Ermilova, Evgeniia, Nikitin, Alexander, Weiß, Sabine Editor(s) Daehn, Glenn, Cao, Jian, Kinsey, Brad, Tekkaya, A. Erman, Vivek, Anupam, Yoshida, Yoshinori Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2021 Publisher name Springer, Cham structured sheet metals, ssm, tensile test, ARAMIS, strain gauge, EBSD, REM, electron microscopy, DC04 steel Source Forming the Future : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, S. 1701 - 1711 ISBN 978-3-030-75381-8 978-3-030-75380-1 978-3-030-75383-2 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75381-8_143
Crystallography and Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Al5356 Components Author(s) Valkov, Stefan, Kotlarski, Georgi, Ormanova, Maria, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Petrov, Peter, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2021 wire arc additive manufacturing; Al5356 alloy; crystallography; mechanical properties Source Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, S. 820 - 827 Volume 74 Issue/Journal number No. 6 ISSN 1310-1331 DOI https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2021.06.03
Verbessern der Korrosionsbeständigkeit eines hochtemperaturbeständigen Ultraschalldämpfungskörpers mittels Laserstrahl-Auftragschweißen Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg, Shapovalova, Mariia, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Heckel, Thomas, Michailov, Vesselin, Weiß, Sabine, Gaal, Mate Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2021 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Berichte 2021, S. 370 - 377 ISBN 978-3-96144-147-1 URL https://www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/abstract.cfm?vid=109&pid=7032
Stepping toward Efficient Microreactors for CO2 Methanation: 3D Printed Gyroid Geometry Author(s) Baena-Moreno, Francisco Manuel, González-Castaño, Miriam, Navarro de Miguel, Juan Carlos, Miah, Kamal Uddin Mohammad, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Odriozola, José Antonio, Arellano-García, Harvey Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2021 CO2 methanation; gyroid geometry; CH4 selectivity; gyroid-3D complex Source ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, S. 8198 - 8206 Volume 9 Issue/Journal number 24 ISSN 2168-0485 DOI https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c01980
WAAM eines Zwischenstücks für die Bergbauausrüstung Author(s) Kaneneks, Michael, Kloshek, Alexander, Morozova, Iuliia, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Sembol, Ronny Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2021 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Schweißtechnik; WAAM; Wire Arc Additiv Manufacturing; Additive Fertigung; Lichtbogenauftragschweißen Source DVS Bericht 2021, S. 315 - 323 ISBN 978-3-96144-147-1 URL https://www.dvs-ev.de/call4papers/abstract.cfm?vid=109&pid=7030
Heat source model for electron beam welding of nickel-based superalloys Author(s) Jokisch, Torsten, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2021 Source Materials testing : Materialprüfung, S. 17 - 28 Volume 63 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 2195-8572 0025-5300 DOI https://doi.org/10.1515/mt-2020-0002
Impact of Impulses on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Performance of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Joined by Impulse Friction Stir Welding Author(s) Morozova, Iuliia, Obrosov, Aleksei, Naumov, Anton, Królicka, Aleksandra, Golubev, Iurii, Bokov, Dmitry O., Doynov, Nikolay, Weiß, Sabine, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2021 Al-Mg-Si alloy; impulse friction stir welding (IFSW); precipitation; microstructure evolution; mechanical properties Source Materials Volume 14 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 1996-1944 URL https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/14/2/347/htm DOI https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14020347
Thermomechanical laser welding simulation of dissimilar steel-aluminum overlap joints Author(s) Evdokimov, Anton, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Obrosov, Aleksei, Weiß, Sabine, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2021 Source International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Volume 190 ISSN 1879-2162 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.106019
Addition of nanoparticles to flux cored wires for the nucleation of acicular ferrite microstructure in weld metals of the high-strength low-alloy steel Author(s) Ginzburg, Svetlana, Morozova, Iuliia, Kloshek, Alexander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Bobrynina, Elizaveta, Koltsova, Tatiana S., Tolochko, Oleg V., Koçak, Mustafa, Ozbek, Sunullah, Morozova, Iuliia Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2020 Source Welding and Cutting, S. 48 - 53 Volume 19 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 1612-3433
Numerical and experimental analysis of heat transfer in resistance spot welding process of aluminum alloy AA5182 Author(s) Piott, Michael, Werber, Alexandra, Schleuss, Leander, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2020 Aluminum resistance spot welding; Heat transfer; FE-simulation; Electrode water-cooling; Instrumented experiments Source International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, S. 1671 - 1682 Volume Vol. 111 Issue/Journal number 5-6 ISSN 0268-3768 1433-3015 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-020-06197-7
A study of the heat transfermechanism in resistance spot welding of aluminum alloys AA5182 and AA6014 Author(s) Piott, Michael, Werber, Alexandra, Schleuss, Leander, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2020 Aluminum resistance spot welding; Heat transfer; FE simulation; Thermal contact conductance; Electrode water-cooling Source International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, S. 263 - 271 Volume Vol. 111 ISSN 0268-3768 1433-3015 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-020-05650-x
Ermittlung der Tragfähigkeit neuartiger stählerner Schalenbauwerke unter realitätsnaher Berücksichtigung des Schweißverzugs Author(s) Pasternak, Hartmut, Stapelfeld, Christoph, Launert, Benjamin, Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay Type book Year of publication 2020 Publisher name Düsseldorf : Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e. V. ISBN 978-3-946885-89-4 Forschung für die Praxis ; P 1126
Metallurgical and Mechanical Characterization of High-Speed Friction Stir Welded AA 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Morozova, Iuliia, Rylkov, Evgenii, Obrosov, Aleksei, Isupov, Fedor, Michailov, Vesselin, Rudskoy, Andrey I. Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 high-speed friction stir welding (HSFSW); aluminum alloy; remnant oxide line (ROL); microstructural characteristics; mechanical properties; fracture behavior; FEM Source Materials Volume 12 Issue/Journal number 24 ISSN 1996-1944 URL https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/24/4211 DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12244211
Determination of residual stresses in fiber laser welded stainless steel joints by neutron diffraction method Author(s) Kaisheva, Darina, Bokuchava, Gizo, Papushkin, Igor, Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Petrov, Peter Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2019 Diffraction; Laser welding; Metals; Fiber laser; Laser processing; Laser applications; Sensors Source Proc. SPIE 11047, 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications DOI https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2516421 Proceedings ; Volume 11047
Submerged-arc surfacing of higt-alloy steels by flux-cored wires Author(s) Bonnel, Jean-Marie, Maurer, Michael, Rosert, Reinhard Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 Submerged are welding; surfacing; cored wire; high-alloy steels Source Avtomatičeskaja svarka = Automatic welding, S. 4 - 13 Issue/Journal number 6 ISSN 0005-111X DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/as2019.06.01
Distortion analysis of large scaled welded structures Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Stapelfeld, Christoph, Michailov, Vesselin, Pasternak, Hartmut, Launert, Benjamin Editor(s) Sommitsch, Christof, Enzinger, Norbert, Mayr, Peter Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2019 Publisher name Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 12 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability : September 23-26, 2018, Graz, Schloss Seggau - Austria, S. 254 - 280 ISBN 978-3-85125-615-4 DOI https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-615-4
Laserstrahlschweißen – Verzugs- und Kaltrissminimierung durch simulationsbasierte Steuerung Author(s) Wasilewski, Eric, Kaneneks, Michael, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2019 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVD Congress 2020 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung : DVS Campus : Vorträge der Online-Veranstaltungen vom 14. bis 18. September 2020, S. 9 ISBN 978-3-96144-098-6 Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren: DVS-Berichte ; Band 365
Laser beam welding of steel-aluminum joints - influence of weld metal elastic-plastic properties on the distortions Author(s) Evdokimov, Anton, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Sommitsch, Christof, Enzinger, Norbert, Mayr, Peter Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2019 Publisher name Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 12 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability : September 23-26, 2018, Graz, Schloss Seggau - Austria, S. 431 - 440 ISBN 978-3-85125-615-4 DOI https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-615-4
Laser beam build-up welding of AlSi12-powder on AlSi1MgMn-alloy substrate Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Evdokimov, Anton, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 Laser beam build-up welding; Laser metal deposition; AlSi12; Additive manufacturing; Build-up strategy Source Progress in Additive Manufacturing, S. 117 - 129 Volume 4 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 2363-9512 URL https://doi.org/10.1007/s40964-018-0065-z
Einfluss der Schweißposition beim MSG-Fülldrahtschweißen auf die Kerbschlagzähigkeit von hoch- und niedriglegierten Stählen Author(s) Morozova, Iuliia, Bonnel, Jean-Marie, Rosert, Reinhard, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding no refering Year of publication 2019 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2019Große Schweißtechnische Tagung : DVS-Studentenkongress : Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Düsseldorf vom 16. bis 17. September 2019, S. 310 - 318 ISBN 978-3-96144-066-5 URL https://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/1067034390.pdf DVS-Berichte ; 355
Temperature Influence on Microstructure and Properties Evolution of Friction Stir Welded Al-Mg-Si Alloy Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Morozova, Iuliia, Isupov, Fedor, Golubev, Iurii, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 Source Key Engineering Materials, S. 122 - 128 Volume 822 ISSN 1662-9795 DOI https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.822.122
Effect of a Welding Method on the Fatigue Strength and Fracture of Foam–Aluminum Sandwiches Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg, Kodzhaspirov, Georgii, Hantelmann, Cord, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 aluminum sandwich; fatigue strength; four-point bending; butt weld Source Russian Metallurgy (Metally), S. 1063 - 1066 Volume Vol. 2019 Issue/Journal number 10 ISSN 0036-0295 URL https://link.springer.com/journal/11505/2019/10/page/2 DOI https://doi.org/10.1134/S0036029519100239
Effect of the temperature of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Isupov, Fedor, Golubev, Iurii, Morozova, Iuliia Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2019 Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 695 - 700 Volume 60 ISSN 1573-8973 0026-0673 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-019-00342-0
Cu/LaCrO₃ joining by local melt infiltration through laser cladding Author(s) Wasilewski, Eric, Wolf, Matthias, Zhang, Wei, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 Source Journal of the American Ceramic Society, S. 4472 - 4472 Volume 101 Issue/Journal number 10 ISSN 1551-2916 0002-7820 DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.15767
Distortion analysis of heat spot straightening thin-walled welded structures: part 1: analytical-numerical approach Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 Straightening; Elastic-plastic analysis; Distortion analysis; Computational welding mechanics; Virtual manufacturing Source The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, S. 667 - 676 Volume 94 Issue/Journal number 1-4 ISSN 0268-3768 1433-3015 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00170-017-0911-z DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0911-z
Comparative analysis of non-uniformity of mechanical properties of welded joints of Al - Mg - Si alloys in friction stir welding and laser welding Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Panchenko, Oleg V., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 friction stir welding; laser welding; Al – Mg – Si alloy; temperature field; welded joint; microstructure; mechanical properties; non-uniformity Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 393 - 398 Volume 60 ISSN 0026-0673 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11041-018-0289-z DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-018-0289-z
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welds of Al – Mg – Si Alloys After Different Modes of Impulse Friction Stir Welding Author(s) Kondrat’ev, Sergey, Morozova, Iuliia, Golubev, Iurii, Hantelmann, Cord, Naumov, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 impulse friction stir welding; power and frequency of pulses; microstructure; mechanical properties; Al – Mg – Si alloy Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 697 - 702 Volume 59 Issue/Journal number 11-12 ISSN 0026-0673 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11041-018-0213-6 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-018-0213-6
Aluminium foam sandwiches for lightweight structures Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Hantelmann, Cord, Ossenbrink, Ralf Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 aluminum; aluminum foam; welded structures; composite materials; structure; mechanical properties Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 44 - 49 Volume 60 Issue/Journal number 1-2 ISSN 1573-8973 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-018-0238-x
Mechanical properties of dissimilar steel-aluminum weld Author(s) Evdokimov, Anton, Obrosov, Aleksei, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Weiß, Sabine, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 Mechanical properties; Indentation; Reverse analysis; EDS measurements; Dissimilar steel aluminum welding; FEM Source Materials Science and Engineering: A, S. 242 - 254 Volume Volume 722 ISSN 0921-5093 URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921509318303563 DOI https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.03.019
Distortion analysis of heat spot straightening thin-walled welded structures: part 2: analytical-numerical approach Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 Thermal straightening; Distortion analysis; Computational welding mechanics; Finite element analysis; Inherent strain method; Virtual manufacturing Source International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, S. 469 - 478 Volume 95 Issue/Journal number 1-4 ISSN 0268-3768 1433-3015 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00170-017-1214-0 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-1214-0
Residual stress analysis in welded joints by neutron difffraction and comouter modeling Author(s) Bokuchava, Gizo, Petrov, Peter, Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 residual stress; neutron diffraction; computer modeling; welding Source Romanian Journal of Physics Volume Vol. 63 Issue/Journal number 7-8 ISSN 1221-146X
Assessment of the Sensitivity of Welded Joints of Al –Mg – Si Alloys to Liquation Cracks Under Laser Welding Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin, Martikainen, J., Hiltunen, E. Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 laser welding; Al – Mg – Si alloy; microstructure; microscopic chemical analysis; liquation cracks; stress-strain state Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 773 - 778 Volume Vol. 59 Issue/Journal number 11-12 ISSN 0026-0673 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-018-0225-2
Effect of alumina addition on weld deposits microstructure at the welding of carbon steel Author(s) Bobrynina, E. V., Larionova, T. V., Koltsova, Tatiana S., Ginzburg, S. A., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2018 acicular ferrite; alumina; welding; carbon steel Source Materials Physics and Mechanics, S. 26 - 32 Volume Vol. 38 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 1605-8119 DOI https://doi.org/10.18720/MPM.3812018_4
Development of Methodology to Determine the Temperature Influence on Microstructure Evolution during Friction Stir Welding Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Isupov, Fedor, Golubev, Iurii, Morozova, Iuliia, Spree, Cornelius Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2018 Source Papers from Materials Science and Technology 2018 (MS&T18), October 14–18, 2018, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA URL https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328772948_DEVELOPMENT_OF_METHODOLOGY_TO_DETERMINE_THE_TEMPERATURE_INFLUENCE_ON_MICROSTRUCTURE_EVOLUTION_DURING_FRICTION_STIR_WELDING DOI https://doi.org/10.7449/2018mst/2018/mst_2018_795_802
The Influence of Geometrical and Welding Imperfections on the Strength of Stiffened Structures Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Launert, Benjamin, Pasternak, Hartmut, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2018 Welding; Stresses; Strains; Imperfections; Stiffened Structures; Distortions Source High Performance Steel Structures Research Council (HPSSRC), Delft, Netherlands, 2018, S. 191 - 201 URL https://www-docs.b-tu.de/fg-stahlbau/public/Fachgebiet_Stahlbau/publikationen/Workshop_Proceedings_of_HPSSRC-updated_cs.pdf
Schweißen von Stahl mit Nanopartikel modifizierten Fülldrähten - Schweißnahtgefüge und -eigenschaften Author(s) Ginzburg, Svetlana, Morozova, Iuliia, Kloshek, Alexander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2018 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Schweißen; Fülldraht; Nano; Nanotechnologie; Stahl; Gefüge Source DVS Congress 2018 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Friedrichshafen am 17. und 18. September 2018, S. 40 - 46 ISBN 978-3-96144-036-8 DVS-Berichte ; Band 344
SLM gefertigte Verbindungsknoten für Leichtbaurahmenelemente Author(s) Fritzsche, Sebastian, Kloshek, Alexander, Dietz, Eric, Michailov, Vesselin, Seidlitz, Holger, Ossenbrink, Ralf Type conference publication Year of publication 2018 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Selective Laser Melting; SLM; Leichtbau; 1.4404; Topologieoptimierung; Schubfeld Source DVS Congress 2018 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Friedrichshafen am 17. und 18. September 2018- 258 ISBN 978-3-96144-036-8 DVS-Berichte ; Band 344
Unterstützung beim thermischen Richten von geschweißten Großstrukturen durch praktikable Computersimulationen Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2018 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Thermisches Richten; Großstrukturen; Simulation; Umformen; Schiffbau; Richten Source DVS Congress 2018 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Friedrichshafen am 17. und 18. September 2018, S. 364 - 369 ISBN 978-3-96144-036-8 DVS-Berichte ; Band 344
Residual stresses formation in multi-pass weldment: A numerical and experimental study Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Bokuchava, Gizo, Petrov, Peter Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Multi-pass weldment; Steel S355; Thermo-mechanical properties; Stress distribution; Welding simulation; Neutron diffraction Source Journal of Constructional Steel Research, S. 633 - 641 Volume 138 ISSN 0143-974X URL http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0143974X17303358 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2017.08.017
Neutron diffraction studies of laser welding residual stresses Author(s) Petrov, Peter, Bokuchava, Gizo, Papushkin, Igor, Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin, Ormanova, Maria Type conference publication Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE Source 19th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, 26–30 September 2016 Sozopol, Bulgaria ISBN 978-1-5106-0953-2 978-1-5106-0954-9 URL http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=2597355 DOI https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2261802 SPIE Proceedings ; 10226
Neue Möglichkeiten für die Additive Fertigung durch Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Priefer, Marian, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Laser Additive Fertigung Source DVS Congress 2017, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Studentenkongress, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Düsseldorf vom 26. bis 29. September 2017, S. 278 - 282 ISBN 978-3-96144-008-5 DVS-Berichte ; 337
Nonlinear optimization methods for the determination of heat source model parameters Author(s) Hartel, Udo, Ilin, Alexander, Sonntag, Steffen, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Source Materials Science Forum, S. 2008 - 2013 Volume 879 ISSN 1662-9752 0255-5476 DOI https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.879.2008
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation on Impulse Friction Stir Welding of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Author(s) Golubev, Iurii, Morozova, Iuliia, Naumov, Anton, Hantelmann, Cord, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type Conference Proceeding refering Year of publication 2017 Source Papers from Materials Science and Technology 2017 (MS&T17), October 8 – 12, 2017, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, S. 987 - 994 URL https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326434324_Numerical_Simulation_and_Experimental_Investigation_on_Impulse_Friction_Stir_Welding_of_6082-T6_Aluminum_Alloy DOI https://doi.org/10.7449/2017/mst_2017_987_994
Rollennahtelektrode Author(s) Brobeck, Andreas F. W., Michailov, Vesselin, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Polzin, Ralf, Schleuß, Leander Type patent Year of publication 2017 Patent number DE 10 2015 114 937 URL https://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?action=pdf&docid=DE102015114937A1
Оценка чувствительности сварных соединений Al - Mg - Si-сплавов к ликвационным трещинам при лазерной сварке Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin, Martikainen, J., Hiltunen, E. Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Source Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov Issue/Journal number 12 ISSN 0026-0819 URL http://mitom.folium.ru/contents/2017/2017-12.php
Neue Fügetechnologie für Mischverbindungen Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Seidlitz, Holger, Michailov, Vesselin Type patent Year of publication 2017 Patent number DE 10 2015 118 058 A1 URL https://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?action=pdf&docid=DE102015118058A1
Einsatz von Aluminiumschaumsandwich in Schweißkonstruktionen Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Aluminiumschäume; FE-Simulation; Aluminiumschaumsandwich; Schweißkonstruktionen Source DVS Congress 2017 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung : DVS-Studentenkongress : Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Düsseldorf vom 26. bis 29. September 2017, S. 173 ISBN 978-3-96144-008-5 DVS-Berichte ; 337
Modelling the Local Microstructure Properties due to Multi-Pass Welding Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Source Materials Science Forum, S. 595 - 600 Volume Vol. 879 ISSN 0255-5476 1662-9752 DOI https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.879.595
Synthesis of Fe-ZrO2 composite powders by thermochemical method Author(s) Bobrynina, Elizaveta, Alkhalaf, Ahmad A., Shamshurin, Aleksey, Tolochko, Oleg V., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Source Key Engineering Materials, S. 285 - 289 Volume 721 ISSN 1662-9795 DOI https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.721.285
Heat source model for laser beam welding of steel-aluminum lap joints Author(s) Evdokimov, Anton, Springer, Katrin, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Laser welding Dissimilar joint Heat source model Finite element analysis Thermal simulation Weld shape; Dissimilar joint; Heat source model; Finite element analysis; Thermal simulation; Weld shape Source International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, S. 709 - 716 Volume 93 Issue/Journal number 1-4 ISSN 0268-3768 1433-3015 URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-017-0569-6 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0569-6
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on Numerical simulation of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy Author(s) Golubev, Iurii, Morozova, Iuliia, Naumov, Anton, Hantelmann, Cord, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Red Hook, NY : Curran Associates, Inc. Aluminum alloy; Numerical simulation Source Materials Science and Technology 2017, (MS&T17), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 8-12, 2017, volume 2, S. 987 - 994 ISBN 978-1-5108-5058-3
Influence of welding method on fatigue strength and destruction character of aluminum foam sandwiches Author(s) Shapovalov, Oleg, Hantelmann, Cord, Michailov, Vesselin, Kodgaspirov, G. E. Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 aluminum foam; metallic foam sandwich; fatigue strength; four-point bending; butt welded joint Source Deformatsiya i Razrushenie materialov Issue/Journal number 5 ISSN 1814-4632 URL http://www.nait.ru/journals/number.php?p_number_id=2612
Survivability of Carbon Nanotubes During Arc Welding Author(s) Panchenko, Oleg V., Ivanov, Sergey Y., Kol'Tsova, Tatyana, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Carbon; Arc Welding Source Nanocon 2016, conference proceedings, 8th international conference, October 19th-21st, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic, EU, S. 59 - 63 ISBN 978-80-87294-71-0
Микроструктура и механические свойства швов после различных режимов импульсной сварки Al – Mg – Si сплавов трением с перемешиванием Author(s) Kondratyev, Alex, Morozova, Iuliia, Golubev, Iurii, Hantelmann, Cord, Naumov, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 pulse friction stir welding; power and frequency of pulses; microstructure; mechanical properties; Al – Mg – Si alloy Source Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, S. 25 - 30 Issue/Journal number 11 ISSN 0026-0819
Wärmequellemodell und FE-Temperaturfeldsimulation für das Rührreibschweißen Author(s) Golubev, Iurii, Doynov, Nikolay, Hantelmann, Cord, Michailov, Vesselin Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Wärmequellemodell; FE-Temperaturfeldsimulation; Rührreibschweißen Source DVS Congress 2017 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung : DVS-Studentenkongress : Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Düsseldorf vom 26. bis 29. September 2017, S. 112 ISBN 978-3-96144-008-5 DVS-Berichte ; 337
Metal Matrix/Nanocarbons Composites Based on Copper and Aluminum Author(s) Tolochko, Oleg V., Michailov, Vesselin, Rudskoy, Andrey I. Editor(s) Devezas, Tessaleno, Leitão, João, Sarygulov, Askar Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2017 Publisher name Cham : Springer International Publishing Source Industry 4.0 : Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in the New Digital Landscape, S. 205 - 217 ISBN 978-3-319-49604-7 978-3-319-49603-0
Optimization of welding conditions for curvilinear Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Arc welding; optimization; structured panel; curvilinear seam; sources method; fastest descent method Source Welding International, S. 929 - 933 Volume 31 Issue/Journal number 12 ISSN 0950-7116 DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/09507116.2017.1353276
Corrosion Behavior of Brazed Zinc-Coated Structured Sheet Metal Author(s) Nikitin, Alexander, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2017 Source International Journal of Corrosion, S. 4768505 Volume 2017 ISSN 1687-9333 1687-9325 DOI https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4768505
Reliability capability assessment of cooperative networks using the example of developing demonstrators of structured materials Author(s) Haase, Florian Vincent, Reinhold, Maximilian, Woll, Ralf, Wolf, Matthias, Seidlitz, Holger Editor(s) Walls, Lesley, Revie, Matthew, Bedford, Tim Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Boca Raton : CRC Press Source Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the ESREL 2016, Glasgow (United Kingdom), S. 1323 - 1329 ISBN 978-1-138-02997-2
Finite Element Modelling for the Structural Analysis of Al-Cu Laser Beam Welding Author(s) Hartel, Udo, Ilin, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin, Gibmeier, Jens, Bantel, Christoph Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Physics Procedia, S. 1404 - 1414 Volume 83 ISSN 1875-3892 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2016.08.147
Anwendungsnahe Simulation des thermischen Richtens : Forschungsvorhaben P 1008/IGF-Nr. 17970 BR Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Kuke, Felix Type book Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Düsseldorf : Verlag und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH ISBN 978-3-946885-03-0 Forschung für die Praxis ; P 1008
Thermal shock behaviour of laminated multilayer refractories for steel casting applications reinforced by residual stresses Author(s) Jakobsen, Daniel, Zhang, Wei, Doynov, Nikolay, Böhm, Anna, Malzbender, Jürgen, Michailov, Vesselin, Roosen, Andreas Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Ceramics International, S. 13562 - 13571 Volume 42 Issue/Journal number 12 ISSN 0272-8842 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.05.149
Analytical-Numerical Modeling Approach for Calculation of the Structural Distortions after Welding and Thermal Straightening Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, S. 246 - 253 Volume 6 Issue/Journal number 5 ISSN 2159-5283 2159-5275 DOI https://doi.org/10.17265/2159-5275/2016.05.004
Physical and FE-Simulation of Thermal Shock Behaviour of Refractory Ceramics Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source refractories WORLDFORUM, S. 110 - 117 Volume 8 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 1868-2405
Anwendungsnahe Simulation des thermischen Richtens Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Hamburg : GSI SLV Nord Source Schweißen in der Maritimen Technik und im Ingenieurbau, 16. Tagung, 20./21. April 2016 in Hamburg, S. 78 - 88
Vereinfachte Modelle zur Schweißverzugsberechnung Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Verlag GmbH Schweißen; Schweißverzug; Schrumpfkraftmodell; Weld Distortion; shrinkage force ISBN 978-3-8440-4142-2 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik ; 10
Schweißeinrichtung, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils mittels Schweißung und Verwendung einer Elektrode aus Schweißzusatzwerkstoff Author(s) Kloshek, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type patent Year of publication 2016 Patent number DE 10 2014 104 936 URL https://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?action=pdf&docid=DE102014104936B4
Gewichtsreduzierte Multi-Material-Bauweisen mit Organoblechen Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Seidlitz, Holger, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Schulze, Marcus, Michailov, Vesselin, Schuhmann, Tilo Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, Professur Fördertechnik Source Tagungsband, 15. Chemnitzer Textiltechnik-Tagung, Chemnitz, Germany, 31.05-01.06.2016, S. 112 - 119 ISBN 978-3-945479-06-3
Comparative study of mechanical inhomogeneity of laser and friction stir welded joints of Al-Mg-Si alloy Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Panchenko, Oleg V., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin, Velichko, Olga V. Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Source METAL 2015, 24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, conference proceedings, June 3rd-5th 2015, Brno ISBN 978-80-87294-62-8
Principles of welding Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Karkhin, Victor A., Petrov, Peter Type book Year of publication 2016 Publisher name St. Petersburg : Polytechnic Univ. Publ. ISBN 978-5-7422-5569-7
Additive manufacturing by laser beam build-up welding Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Priefer, Marian, Olenina, Mariia, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Source 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT 2016, Nürnberg, Germany, 29. - 30. November 2016, S. 324 - 327 ISBN 978-961-285-537-6
Neuartige Fügetechnologie zum Herstellen von hochbelastbaren Multi-Material-Bauweisen aus textilverstärkten Kunststoffen und Metallen bei einseitiger Zugänglichkeit der Fügestelle Author(s) Seidlitz, Holger, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verlag Source DVS Congress 2016, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Leipzig am 19. und 20. September 2016, S. 424 - 428 ISBN 978-3-945023-74-7 DVS-Berichte ; 327
Numerical and Experimental Study of Residual Stress Distribution in Laser Beam Welded Joint Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Bokuchava, Gizo, Petrov, Peter, Michailov, Vesselin Type image Year of publication 2016 URL https://www.tugraz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Events/Seggau/Dokumente/Dokumente_THERMEC/Program_Book_April_2016.pdf
Calculation of thermal processes in welding thick plates with moving axisymmetric heat sources Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Garkov, Sergey Vladimirovich, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Welding International, S. 708 - 711 Volume 30 Issue/Journal number 9 ISSN 0950-7116 1754-2138
Prediction of the Properties of Heat-Affected Zone of Welded Joints of Sheets from Aluminum Alloys with Structured Surface Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 46 - 50 Volume 58 Issue/Journal number 1-2 ISSN 0026-0673 1573-8973
Rollennahtschweißen strukturierter Bleche mit neuartigen Elektroden Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Brobeck, Andreas F. W., Ossenbrink, Ralf, Polzin, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2016 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Rollennahtschweißen; Leichtbauelement; durchströmbar; neuartig; Elektrodengeometrie; Wärmetauscher Source Widerstandsschweißen, 23. Sondertagung in Duisburg am 29. und 30. Juni 2016, S. 230 - 240 ISBN 978-3-945023-75-4 DVS-Berichte ; 326
Particularities of testing structured sheet metals in 3-point bending tests Author(s) Kazak, Fedor, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Weiß, Sabine Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Materials Testing, S. 495 - 500 Volume 58 Issue/Journal number 6 ISSN 0025-5300 2195-8572 DOI https://doi.org/10.3139/120.110883
Einsatz von Aluminiumschaum-Sandwich-Bauteilen in Schweißkonstruktionen Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf, Risse, Steffen, Paulinus, Dietmar Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Schweissen und Scheiden, S. 106 - 114 Volume 68 Issue/Journal number 3 ISSN 0036-7184
Utilisation of aluminium foam sandwich components in welded structures Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Boywitt, Ralf, Risse, Steffen, Paulinus, Dietmar Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2016 Source Welding and Cutting, S. 317 - 325 Issue/Journal number 5 ISSN 1612-3433
Temperature distribution and welding distortion measurements after FSW of Al 6082-T6 sheets Author(s) Golubev, Iurii, Naumov, Anton, Chernikov, Evgenii V., Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Mishra, Rajiv S., Mahoney, Murray W., Sato, Yutaka, Hovanski, Yuri Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Cham : Springer Source Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII, 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 15.03.2015, Orlando, S. 289 - 295 ISBN 978-3-319-48604-8 978-3-319-48173-9 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48173-9
Optimization technique for arc welding of structured sheet Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Panchenko, Oleg V., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Source METAL 2015, 24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, conference proceedings, June 3rd-5th 2015, Brno ISBN 978-80-87294-62-8 URL http://konsys2.tanger.cz/files/proceedings/21/papers/3950.pdf
Effect of hot pressing modes on the structure and properties of an aluminum-carbon nanofibers’ composite material Author(s) Koltsova, Tatiana S., Tolochko, Oleg V., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2015 Source Metal Science and Heat Treatment, S. 525 - 530 Volume 56 Issue/Journal number 9–10 ISSN 0026-0673 1573-897 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11041-015-9793-6
Numerical simulation and microstructure analysis of friction stir welded Al 6082 Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Chenikov, Evgenii V., Golubev, Iurii, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Source METAL 2015, 24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, conference proceedings, June 3rd-5th 2015, Brno ISBN 978-80-87294-62-8
Hybrid Composite Materials Aluminum-Carbon Nanostructures Author(s) Koltsova, Tatiana S., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2015 Source Materials science medziagotyra, S. 372 - 375 Volume 21 Issue/Journal number 3 ISSN 1392-1320 2029–7289
Modellierung der Entstehung von Heißrissen beim Laserschweißen von Al-Mg-Si-Legierungen Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin, Martikainen, J., Hiltunen, E. Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2015 Source Izvestija Tul'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, S. 66 - 74 Volume 6 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 2071-6168
Modellierung thermodynamischer Prozesse beim Schweißen von ungeraden Nähten Author(s) Ivanov, Sergey Y., Karkhin, Victor A., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2015 Source Izvestija Tul'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, S. 62 - 66 Volume 6 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 2071-6168
Numerical simulation of sheet profiling process from aluminum alloy Author(s) Isupov, Fedor, Ganin, Sergey, Tcemenko, Valeriy, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Source METAL 2015, 24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Brno, Czech Republic, June 3rd-5th, 2015, Conference proceedings, S. 1463 - 1468 ISBN 978-80-87294-62-8
Rollennahtschweißen strukturierter Feinbleche Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Brobeck, Andreas F. W., Ossenbrink, Ralf, Polzin, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type report Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Cottbus-Senftenberg : BTU, Lehrstuhl Füge- und Schweißtechnik Rollennahtschweißen; strukturiert; neuartig; Elektrodengeometrie; Leichtbauelement; mehrschalig; durchströmbar; Kühlmedien
Neuartige Elektroden zum Rollennahtschweißen mit nichtlinearem Schweißpfad Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Brobeck, Andreas F. W., Ossenbrink, Ralf, Polzin, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Rollennahtschweißen; Leichtbauelement; durchströmbar; neuartig; Elektrodengeometrie; strukturiert Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, 15.-17.09.15, S. 185 - 190 ISBN 978-3-945023-46-4 DVS-Berichte ; 315
Laserstrahl-Auftragschweißen mit pulverförmigen keramischen und metallischen Zusatzwerkstoffen zur Herstellung von Gradientenwerkstoffen Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Schramm, Maximilian, Kaneneks, Michael, Michailov, Vesselin, Fleischhauer, Matthias Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, Nürnberg, 15. - 17. September 2015, S. 842 - 845 ISBN 978-3-945023-46-4 DVS-Berichte Band ; 315
Research of temperature distribution during friction stir welding of 2 mm Aw 6082 sheets Author(s) Naumov, Anton, Chenikov, Evgenii V., Golubev, Iurii, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Ostrava : Tanger Source METAL 2015, 24th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, conference proceedings, June 3rd-5th 2015, Brno, S. 651 - 653 ISBN 978-80-87294-62-8
Plasma Cutting of Structured Sheet Metals in Comparison with Laser Beam Cutting Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Richter, Thomas, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2015 Source Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, S. 135 - 144 Volume 5 Issue/Journal number 3-4 ISSN 2161-6221 DOI https://doi.org/10.17265/2161-6221/2015.3-4.004
Untersuchung des Einflusses von rohrförmigen Stahlelektroden auf das Prozessverhalten und den Werkstoffübergang beim MSG-Schweißen Author(s) Kuke, Felix, Kloshek, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress, September 2015, Nürnberg, S. 615 - 620 ISBN 978-3-945023-46-4 DVS-Berichte ; 315
Structural reinforced FRP sandwich constructions for lightweight floor panels Author(s) Fritzsche, Sebastian, Seidlitz, Holger, Winkelmann, Kai, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Pająk, Anna Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Source Conference papers, APT '15, 11th International Conference Advances in Plastics Technology, Sosnowiec, 13 - 15 October 2015 ISBN 978-83-63555-47-4
Schweißtechnische Simulation der lokalen Eigenschaften in der Wärmeeinflusszone von Mehrlagenschweißungen Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Grafing : CADFEM GmbH Source ANSYS Conference & 33rd CADFEM Users' Meeting, 24. - 26. Juni, Bremen, conference proceedings
Thermal straightening simulation of welded structures Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Kuke, Felix, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Publisher name Aachen : TEMA Technologie Marketing AG Source Proceedings, METEC & 2nd ESTAD 2015, European Steel Technology and Application Days, Düsseldorf, Germany, CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf, 15 - 19 June 2015, S. 7091 - 6 ISBN 978-3-00-049542-7
Investigation of thermal shock behaviour of refractory ceramics based on the calcium-aluminate Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Scheithauer, Uwe, Michaelis, Alexander Type conference publication Year of publication 2015 Source 14th Biennial Worldwide Congress Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR) 2015, Vienna, Austria, September 15-18, 2015 ISBN 978-3-9815813-1-7
Strukturierte Tailored Blanks Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Schleuß, Leander, Springer, Katrin, Zoeke, Jörg Type patent Year of publication 2014 Patent number DE 10 2013 101 171 A1 URL https://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?action=pdf&docid=DE102013101171A1
FE-Simulation der Verteilung von Wasserstoff und Stickstoff in Schweißverbindungen Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Verlag FE-Simulation, Kaltrisse, Stickstoffverteilung ISBN 978-3-8440-2537-8 URL http://www.shaker.de/de/content/catalogue/index.asp?lang=de&ID=8&ISBN=978-3-8440-2537-8 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 5
Einsatz von Aluminiumschaumsandwich in Schweißkonstruktionen Author(s) Hantelmann, Cord, Fritzsche, Sebastian, Michailov, Vesselin, Paulinus, Dietmar Type conference publication Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source DVS Congress 2014, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress, Vorträge der Veranstaltungen in Berlin am 15. und 16. September 2014 ISBN 978-3-945023-03-7 DVS-Berichte ; 306
Developing finite element model of the friction stir welding for temperature calculation Author(s) Golubev, Iurii, Naumov, Anton, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2014 Source METAL 2014, International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, May 21 st - 23rd 2014, Brno, S. 1242 - 1248 ISBN 978-80-87294-54-3
Joining of structured sheet metals - Remote laser beam welding in comparison with resistance spot welding Author(s) Sasse, Ina, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2014 structured metals sheet; Remote laser beam welding; resistance spot welding Source Welding and Cutting, S. 43 - 47 Volume 13 Issue/Journal number 1
Physical welding simulation of the cold crack susceptibility Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Cold Crack; hydrogen embrittlement; Cold crack criterion; High strength steel ISBN 978-3-8440-3133-1 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 8
Fabrication of a Compacted Aluminum-Carbon Nanofiber Material by Hot Pressin Author(s) Koltsova, Tatiana S., Shakov, Fedor M., Voznyakovskiy, A. A., Lyashkov, A. I., Tolochko, Oleg V., Rudskoy, Andrey I., Nasibulin, Albert G., Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2014 Source Technical Physics, S. 1626 - 1630 Volume 59 Issue/Journal number 11 ISSN 1063-7842 DOI https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063784214110139
Minimization of Residual Welding Stress and Distortins in Aluminium-Steel Hybrid Structure Author(s) Krawczynski, Damian, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Częstochowa : Wydawnictwo Wydziału Inżynierii Produkcji i Technologii Materiałów Politechniki Częstochowskie Source Innowacje w procesach produkcyjnych, technologicznych i bezpieczeństwie : XXXVIII Studencka Sesja Naukowa, Częstochowa, 29 maj 2014 : praca zbiorowa, S. 59 - 63 ISBN 879-83-63989-02-6
Erweiterung eines analytisch-numerischen Hybridmodells für die Verzugssimulation von Großstrukturen Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Stapelfeld, Christoph Type book Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Düsseldorf : Verlag und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH ISBN 978-3-942541-35-0 Forschung für die Praxis ; P 868
Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf die Kaltrissanfälligkeit niedriglegierter Stähle beim Laserstrahlschweißen an zylindrischen Bauteilen Author(s) Kapp, Mirjam Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Laserstrahlschweißen; Schweißsimulation; Finite-Elemente-Methode; Eigenspannungen; Werkstoffdaten; Kaltrisse ISBN 978-3-8440-3452-3 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 9
Einfluss der Beschichtung und des Schweißens auf das Korrosionsverhalten von strukturierten Blechen Author(s) Kornienko, Elena Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Korrosion; Korrosionsschutz; Beschichtung; Schweißen; strukturiertes Blech ISBN 978-3-8440-3087-7 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 7
Schneiden und Schweißen strukturierter Bleche mit Faserlaser Author(s) Sasse, Ina Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2014 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Laserstrahlschneiden; Laserstrahlschweißen; Forschung und Entwicklung; Fügetechnik ISBN 978-3-8440-3035-8 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 6
Investigation of the Thermal Shock Behavior of Ceramic Using a Combination of Experimental Testing and FE-Simulation Methods Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Doynov, Nikolay, Wolf, Matthias, Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2013 Thermal Shock Behavior; Ceramic; FE-Simulation; Experimental Testing Source Advanced engineering materials, S. 480 - 484 Volume 15 Issue/Journal number 6 ISSN 1527-2648 URL http://www.aem-journal.com DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.201200241
Physical and Numerical Simulation of the Heat-affected Zone of Multi-pass Welds Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2013 welding simulation; multi-pass welds; thermo-mechanical properties; physical simulation, Gleeble Source Materials Science Forum, S. 544 - 550 Issue/Journal number Vol. 762 ISSN 0255-5476 URL www.scientific.net/MSF.762.544
Simulation der Schweißeigenspannungen und des -verzuges unter Berücksichtigung der Gefügeumwandlungen mit dem STAAZ-Modell Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay Editor(s) Michailov, Vesselin Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2013 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Verlag Schweißsimulation; STAAZ-Modell ; thermomechanische Werkstoffkennwerte ; Mehrlagenschweißungen Source Internationales Symposium Schweißtechnik - Verfahren, Werkstoffe, Simulation, Cottbus, 6. November 2013, S. 149 - 167 ISBN 978-3-8440-2319-0
Welding simulation of aluminium to steel joints by means of arc welding Processes Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2013 Publisher name Saint Petersburg, Russia : Izdat. Polytechn. Univ. Welding simulation; aluminium steel; welding Processes Source 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Advanced metal materials and technologies (AMMT’2013), June 25–29, Saint Petersburg, 2013, S. 523 - 528
Corrosion resistance of zinc-coated structured sheet metals Author(s) Kornienko, Elena, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2013 Corrosion; structur sheet metals Source Corrosion Science, S. 270 - 280 Volume Vol. 69 ISSN 0010-938X URL http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010938X12006233
Internationales Symposium Schweißtechnik - Verfahren, Werkstoffe, Simulation : 6. November 2013 Editor(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay Type book (editor) Year of publication 2013 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Schweißsimulation; Schweißtechnik;Schweißverfahren ISBN 978-3-8440-2319-0 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg ; 4
Quantification of cold cracking parameters of high strength steels by physical simulation under welding conditions Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2013 Cold Cracking; Physical Simulation; High Strength Steel Source Quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society, S. 148 - 152 Volume 31 Issue/Journal number 4 ISSN 0288-4771 DOI https://doi.org/10.2207/qjjws.31.148s
Fügen strukturierter Bleche - Remote-Laserstrahlschweißen im Vergleich zum Widerstandspunktschweißen Author(s) Sasse, Ina, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2013 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verlag strukturierte Bleche; Remote; Laserstrahlschweißen; Widerstandspunktschweißen Source DVS Congress 2013, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress, S. 98 - 103 ISBN 978-3-87155-614-2 DVS-Berichte ; 296
Rechnergestützte Vorhersage der Kaltrissneigung laserstrahlgeschweißter Bauteile aus hochfesten Stählen - Teil 1 Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Schweizer, Frank Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2013 Kaltriss; hochfeste Stähle; laserstrahlgeschweißte Bauteile Source Schweißen und Schneiden : Fachzeitschrift für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren, S. 776 - 781 Volume 65 Issue/Journal number 11 ISSN 0036-7184
Application of macro-cellular SiC reactor to diesel engine-like injection and combustion conditions Author(s) Cypris, Jochen, Weclas, Miroslaw, Greil, Peter, Schlier, Lorenz M., Travitzky, Nahum, Zhang, Wei Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Melville, NY : AIP, American Inst. of Physics Three-dimensional printing, Macro-cellular SiSiC, complex shaped ceramic composites Source Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering, and Industry: Fourth International Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 17-22 June 2012, S. 341 - 346 ISBN 978-0-7354-1053-4 DOI https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4711197 AIP conference proceedings ; 1453,1
Alumina-mullite Materials for Refractory Applications: Microstructure, Physical and Finite Element Simulation of Thermal Shock Behaviour Author(s) Atanga, Valetine Kubong, Zhang, Wei, Dreibati, Ossama, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Scheffler, Michael Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2012 Source refractories WORLDFORUM, S. 159 - 164 Volume 4 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 1868-2405
Hydrogen charging of high strength steel specimens and physical simulation of cold cracking under laser beam welding conditions Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Durnten-Zurich [u.a.] : TTP, Trans Tech Publ. Source THERMEC 2011, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, processing, fabrication, properties, applications, August 1 - 5, 2011, Quebec City, Canada, Vol. 2, S. 1391 - 1396 ISBN 978-3-0-3785-303-0 Materials science forum ; 706/709,2
Simulation des Mehrlagenschweißens unter Berücksichtigung der Gefügeumwandlungen Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Grafing : CADFEM GmbH Simulation des Mehrlagenschweißens; Gefügeumwandlungen; M-STAAZ Modell Source Conference proceedings, 2012 - ANSYS Conference & 30. CADFEM Users' Meeting, 24. - 26. Oktober 2012, Kassel, S. 229 URL http://www.usersmeeting.com/rueckblick/acum-2012.html http://www.cadfem.de/fileadmin/shop/um/ACUM2012-DVD-Inhaltsverzeichnis.pdf
Sensibilitätsanalyse der thermomechanischen FE-Schweißsimulation Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf Type book Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker FE-Schweißsimulation, Sensibilitätsanalyse, FE-Netz, Wärmequellen, Werkstoffkennwerte ISBN 978-3-8440-1016-9 URL http://www.shaker.de/de/content/catalogue/index.asp?lang=de&ID=8&ISBN=978-3-8440-1016-9 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus ; 3
Gefügeeigenschaften in der Wärmeeinflusszone von Mehrlagenschweißungen aus S355J2+N Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Keßler, Olaf Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Bonn : Inventum Wärmeeinflusszone der Mehrlagenschweißung; experimentelle Werkstoffkennwerte Source Fortschritte in der Metallographie, S. 167 - 172 ISBN 978-3-88355-392-4 Praktische Metallographie : Sonderband ; 44
Experimental investigation and analytical calculation of the bending force for air bending of structured sheet metals Author(s) Malikov, Viatcheslav, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Viehweger, Bernd, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2012 air bending; structured sheet metal; bending force Source Advanced Materials Research, S. 1294 - 1300 Volume 418-420 ISSN 1022-6680
Physical and numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical properties in the weld heat affected zone of an AlMgSi-alloy Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2012 Source Materials Science Forum, S. 1491 - 1496 Volume 706-709 ISSN 0255-5476
Material Properties of the HAZ of Multi-Pass Welded Joints from low alloyed Steel Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 material properties of the heat affected zone; multi-pass welds Source Junior Euromat 2012, Paperlist, S. 297 URL http://wiki.dgm.de/wwiki/wiki/Junior-Euromat%202012%20-%20Paperlist
Qualifizierung von wärmearmen MSG-Schweißverfahren für Leichtbaukonstruktionen mit strukturierten Halbzeugen Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Springer, Katrin, Zoeke, Jörg, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Wien : Schweißtechnische Zentralanstalt e.V. wärmearm; Schweißen; strukturiert; Steifigkeitserhöhung; Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme; Temperaturzyklen Source Internationaler Fachkongress der Schweiß- und Verbindungstechnik Join-Ex 2012 Wien, 10. + 11. Oktober 2012, Congress Center der Messe Wien, S. 75 - 83
Welding of structured sheet metals with high power fiber laser Author(s) Sasse, Ina, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2012 structured sheet metals; laser welding Source Międzynarodowa Sesja Studencka, 30. Mai 2012, Częstochowa/Polen, S. 285 - 290 ISBN 978-83-87745-69-1
Grundlagen der Schweißtechnik Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Karkhin, Victor A., Petrov, Peter Type book Year of publication 2012 Publisher name Sofia : Bauwesen Schweißverfahren; Physik des Schweißens; Temperaturfelder beim Schweißen; Metallurgie des Schweißens; Schweißverzüge und -eigenspannungen ISBN 978-954-90912-6-7
Thermo-mechanical properties of refractory ceramic for the numerical simulation of their thermo-shock behaviour Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama, Zhang, Wei, Wolf, Matthias, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2011 Source XVII. International Conference of Refractories, 10.-11. Mai 2011, Prag/Tschechische Republik, S. 219-225
Hybrid Model for Prediction of Welding Distortions in Large Structures Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Stapelfeld, Christoph, Ossenbrink, Ralf Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Source Journal of Frontiers of Materials Science, S. 209 - 215 Volume 5 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 2095-025X
Physical and numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical properties in the weld heat affected zone of an AlMgSi-alloy Author(s) Dreibati, Ossama, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Durnten-Zurich [u.a.] : TTP, Trans Tech Publ. Source THERMEC 2011, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, processing, fabrication, properties, applications, August 1 - 5, 2011, Quebec City, Canada, Vol. 2, S. 1491 - 1496 Materials science forum ; 706/709,2
Cutting of structured sheet metals with high power fiber laser Author(s) Sasse, Ina, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2011 Source Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies, IN-TECH, 01.09.2011 to 03.09.2011, Bratislava, Slovakia, S. 485 - 488
Investigation of corrosion behaviour of structured sheet metals by salt spray test Author(s) Kornienko, Elena, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2011 Source Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies, IN-TECH, 01.09.2011 to 03.09.2011, Bratislava, Slovakia, S. 308 - 311
Experimental characterisation of structured sheet metals Author(s) Fritzsche, Sebastian, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Source Key Engineering Materials, S. 404 - 411 Volume 473 ISSN 1013-9826 1662-9795
Bewertung der relevanten Einflussfaktoren auf die Gefügeumwandlungen und thermomechanischen Eigenschaften bei komplexen Temperaturbelastungen Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Grafing : CADFEM GmbH Gefügeumwandlungen bei mehrmaliger Temperatureinwirkung; thermomechanische Eigenschaften; Simulation des Mehrlagenschweißens Source ANSYS Conference & 29. CADFEM Users' Meeting 2011, conference proceedings, 19. - 21. October 2011, Stuttgart, ICS ISBN 3-937523-08-1 URL http://www.usersmeeting.com/rueckblick/acum-2011.html http://www.cadfem.de/fileadmin/shop/um/ACUM2011-DVD-Inhaltsverzeichnis.pdf
Analytical and numerical calculation of the force and power requirements for air bending of structured sheet metals Author(s) Malikov, Viatcheslav, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Viehweger, Bernd, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 air bending, structured sheet metal, simulation Source Key Engineering Materials, S. 602 - 609 Volume Vol. 473 ISSN 1013-9826 DOI https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.473.602
Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V using laser and wire, part II: Hardness and dimensions of single beads Author(s) Bandl, Erhard, Michailov, Vesselin, Viehweger, Bernd, Leyens, Christoph Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Source Surface & Coatings Technology, S. 1130 - 1141 Volume 206 Issue/Journal number 6 ISSN 0257-8972
Corrosion properties of structured sheet metals in salt environment Author(s) Kornienko, Elena, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Source Engineering Review, S. 97 - 104 Volume 31 Issue/Journal number 2 ISSN 1330-9587
Simulationsgestützte Entwicklung einer Aluminium-Stahl-Schweißkontruktion eines Slicermessers für die Lebensmittelverarbeitung Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Doynov, Nikolay, Pfennig, T., Degen, M., Ossenbrink, Ralf Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011, S. 428 - 433 ISBN 978-3-87155-267-0 DVS-Berichte ; 275
Mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) blocks deposited by a solid-state laser and wire Author(s) Brandl, Erhard, Palm, Frank, Michailov, Vesselin, Viehweger, Bernd, Leyens, Christoph Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Non-ferrous metals and alloys; Mechanical; Microstructure Source Materials and Design, S. 4665 - 4675 Volume 32 Issue/Journal number 10 ISSN 0261-3069
Auswirkung von strukturierten Fügepartnern auf geklebte Verbindungen Author(s) Graf, K., Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011, S. 472 - 477 ISBN 978-3-87155-267-0 DVS-Berichte ; 275
Impulsrührreibschweißen - ein Verfahren mit neuen Möglichkeiten Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Hantelmann, Cord, Kloshek, Alexander Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011, S. 171 - 176 ISBN 978-3-87155-267-0 DVS-Berichte ; 275
Thermomechanische Simulation geschweißter Mischverbindungen aus Aluminium- und Stahlwerkstoffen Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Kloshek, Alexander, Doynov, Nikolay Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2011 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Source Jahrbuch Schweißtechnik 2012, S. 173 - 184 ISBN 978-3-87155-606-7
Macro-Cellular Silicon carbide Reactors for Nonstationary Combustion Under Piston Engine-Like Conditions Author(s) Schlier, Lorenz M., Zhang, Wei, Travitzky, Nahum, Greil, Peter, Cypris, Jochen, Weclas, Miroslaw Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2011 Three-dimensional printing; Macro-cellular SISIC; Complex shaped ceramic composites Source International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, S. 1237 - 1245 Volume 8 Issue/Journal number 5 ISSN 1744-7402 DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7402.2010.02591.x
Kennlinien zur Festlegung der erforderlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Diskretisierung bei der thermomechanischen Schweißsimulation Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2010 thermomechanisch; Schweißsimulation; schweißen; fügen; simulieren; Simulation Source ANSYS CONFERENCE & 28. CADFEM USERS'S MEETING, 03. - 05. November 2010, Aachen (Beitrag auf Conference Proceedings CD)
Verzugsberechnung einer komplexen Struktur mittels eines analytisch-numerischen Hybridmodells Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Stapelfeld, Christoph, Doynov, Nikolay Type conference publication Year of publication 2010 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Verzugsberechnung; berechnung; komplexe Struktur; analytisch; numerisch; Hybridmodell; model; schweißen; fügen; simulieren Source DVS Congress 2010, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, Studentenkongress, Statusseminar "Schneidtechnik" - Abschlusskolloquium zum AiF-Forschungscluster "Integration des Rührreibschweißens in Fertigungsprozessketten, Nürnberg 27./28. September 2010, S. 128 - 132 ISBN 978-3-87155-592-3 DVS-Berichte ; 267
Calculation of Welding Distortions in Large Structures Using the Maximum Temperature Model and the Coupled Analytic-Numerical Shrinkage Force Model Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Doynov, Nikolay, Atanasova, D., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2010 welding; temperature model; model; analytic; numerical; shrinkage force model; schweißen; fügen; simulieren Source ESI Global Forum 2010, 19. - 20. Mai 2010, München
Widerstandspunktschweißen strukturierter Bleche - Schweißbereiche, Prüfung, Anwendung Author(s) Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2010 Widerstandspunktschweißen; strukturiert; Bleche; Schweißbereich; Prüfung; Anwendung; schweißen; fügen Source 12. Kolloquium Widerstandsschweißen und alternative Verfahren, 13. Oktober 2010, Halle (Saale)
Anwendungsnahe Schweißsimulation komplexer Strukturen Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Stapelfeld, Christoph Type conference publication Year of publication 2010 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH Schweißsimulation; komplexe Struktur; Strukturen; schweißen; fügen; simulieren ISBN 978-3-87155-290-8 DVS-Berichte ; 282
Hybride Berechnungsansätze zur Prognostizierung und Minimierung des Verzugs komplexer Schweißkonstruktionen Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 Publisher name Weimar : Univ.-Verl. Hybride Berechnungsansätze; Berechnung; Verzug; komplexe Schweißkonstruktion; Schweißkonstruktion; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source SYSWELD Forum, 22.-23. Oktober 2009, Tagungsband, S. 91 - 105 ISBN 978-3-86068-401-6
HybridPlus Hochleistungsschweißen Author(s) Kloshek, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 Hybridschweißen; Hybrid; Hochleistungsschweißen; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source 11. Fachkonferenz und Kooperationsbörse, Synergien mit Stahl "Forum für Neue Märkte", 5. November 2009 Eisenhüttenstadt (Vortrag am Lehrstuhl auf CD vorhanden)
Numerische Simulation der Strömungen in einer Schweißhaube Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Kloshek, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2009 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. Source Die Verbindungs-Spezialisten 2009 ISBN 978-3-87155-584-8 DVS-Berichte ; 258
Trennen und Fügen dicker Bleche Author(s) Kloshek, Alexander, Pietsch, N. Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 Trennen; Fügen; dicke Bleche; Bleche; schweißen; Fügetechnik Source 11. Fachkonferenz und Kooperationsbörse, Synergien mit Stahl "Forum für Neue Märkte", 5. November 2009 Eisenhüttenstadt (Vortrag am Lehrstuhl auf CD vorhanden)
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen von Al-Stahl-Mischverbindungen Author(s) Pfennig, T., Kloshek, Alexander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 experimentell; numerisch; Untersuchung; Mischverbindung; Verbindung; Al; Stahl; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source DVS-Berichte ; 258 Source Die Verbindungs-Spezialisten 2009, Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Essen vom 14. bis 19. September 2009, S. 236 - 240 ISBN 978-3-87155-584-8
Das Maximaltemperaturmodell und das gekoppelt analytisch-numerische Schrumpfkraftmodell angewandt an einer komplexen Struktur Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 Maximaltemperaturmodell; temperaturmodell; Maximaltemperatur; modell; schrumpfkraftmodell; analytisch numerische Schrumpfkraftmodell; komplexe struktur; struktur Source ANSYS CONFERENCE & 28. CADFEM USERS'S MEETING, 18. - 20. November 2009, Darmstadt
Neue Lösungsansätze zur Schweißverzugsberechnung Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2009 Publisher name Cottbus : Brandenburgische Techn. Univ. Source 20. Symposium Simulationstechnik, ASIM 2009, Brandenburgische Technische Universität 23. - 25. September 2009, S. 155 - 159 ISBN 978-3-9811800-5-3
Reactive Hot Pressing and Properties of Nb2AlC Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Travitzky, Nahum, Hu, Chunfeng, Zhou, Yanchun, Greil, Peter Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2009 MAX phases; Ceramic; Reactive Hot Pressing Source Journal of the American Ceramic Society, S. 2396 - 2399 Volume 92 Issue/Journal number 10 ISSN 1551-2916 0002-7820 DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03187.x
Thermomechanische Schweißsimulation unter Berücksichtigung von Gefügeumwandlungen Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2009 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Schweißsimulation; Eigenspannung; Laserstrahlschweißen; STAAZ-Modell; Stahl; Umwandlungsplastizität; thermomechanische Werkstoffkennwerte ISBN 978-3-8322-8131-1 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus ; 2
Three-Dimensional Printing of Complex-Shaped Alumina/Glas Composites Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Melcher, Reinhold, Travitzky, Nahum, Greil, Peter Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2009 Source Advanced engineering materials, S. 1039 - 1043 Volume 11 Issue/Journal number 12 ISSN 1527-2648 DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.200900213
Sensibilitätsanalyse der thermomechanischen Schweißsimulation - Bewertung des Vernetzungseinflusses Author(s) Genchev, Gancho Vladimirov, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. Sensibilitätsanalyse; Analyse; thermomechanische Schweißsimulation; thermomechanisch; Schweißsimulation; Simulation; Vernetzungseinfluss; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Die Verbindungs-Spezialisten 2008, Vorträge und Posterbeiträge der Veranstaltung in Dresden vom 17. bis 19. September 2008, S. 494 - 497 ISBN 978-3-87155-256-4 DVS-Berichte ; 250
Formation of NbAl3/Al2O3 Composites by pressureless reactive Infiltration Author(s) Zhang, Wei, Travitzky, Nahum, Greil, Peter Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2008 NbAl3/Al2O3 Composites; Pressing and three-dimensional printing; Reactive Infiltration Source Journal of the American Ceramic Society, S. 3117 - 3120 Volume 91 Issue/Journal number 9 ISSN 1551-2916 0002-7820 DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02583.x
Distortion Simulation of Cylindrical Body Shape during Laser Beam Welding Author(s) Deflorio, Andrea Type doctoralthesis Year of publication 2008 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker Laser beam welding; welding simulation; residual stresses; distortions; simulation tool; material models ISBN 978-3-8322-7636-2 Berichte des Lehrstuhls Füge- und Schweißtechnik der BTU Cottbus ; 1
Analytisches Schrumpfkraftmodell und Berechnungsprogramm zur Bestimmung des schweißbedingten Verzugs Author(s) Stapelfeld, Christoph, Kloshek, Alexander, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. analytisches Schrumpfkraftmodell; Schrumpfkraftmodell; Schrumpfkraft; Modell; Berechnung; Berechnungsprogramm; schweißen; schweißbedingter Verzug; Verzug; Schweißverzug Source Die Verbindungs-Spezialisten 2008, Vorträge und Posterbeiträge der Veranstaltung in Dresden vom 17. bis 19. September 2008, S. 401 - 405 ISBN 978-3-87155-256-4 DVS-Berichte ; 250
Ermittlung von lokalen Bauteileigenschaften durch physikalische Simulation des Schweißens Author(s) Nauroschat, C., Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 Publisher name Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : MAT-INFO Bauteileigenschaften; physikalische Simulation; Simulation; schweißen; Fügetechnik Source Fortschritte in der Metallographie, Vortragstexte der 42. Metallographie-Tagung, 17. - 19. September 2008 in Jena, S. 227 - 232 ISBN 3-88355-370-0 Praktische Metallographie : Sonderbände der praktischen Metallographie ; 40
FE-Prozesssimulation des Unterpulverschweißens Author(s) Stark, O., Kloshek, Alexander, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. FE-Prozesssimulation; Simulation; Unterpulverschweißen; UP; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Die Verbindungs-Spezialisten 2008, Vorträge und Posterbeiträge der Veranstaltung in Dresden vom 17. bis 19. September 2008, S. 490 - 493 ISBN 978-3-87155-256-4 DVS-Berichte ; 250
Geklebte Verbundbauteile - Bewertung der Festigkeit Author(s) Fritzsche, Sebastian Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 geklebte Verbundbauteile; kleben; Verbundbauteile; Bauteile; geklebte Bauteile; Bewertung; Festigkeit Source Themenabend Kleben - eine innovative Fügetechnik mit Zukunftspotential, 27. November 2008, Cottbus
Flexible Weiterverarbeitung strukturierter Bleche Author(s) Fritzsche, Sebastian Type conference publication Year of publication 2008 Weiterverarbeitung; strukturierte Bleche; struckturiert; Bleche Source Beiratssitzung profil.metall, 04. November 2008, Eisenhüttenstadt
Simulation of the Welding Distortions in Large Welded Structures Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Kloshek, Alexander, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Simulation; Welding Distortions; Distortions; Welded Structures; welding; schweißen; fügen; Simulation; Fügetechnik Source FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show 2007, November 11-14, 2007, McCormick Place, Chicago, USA URL http://www.fabtechexpo.com
Laser Beam Welding Simulation with two Different Approaches Author(s) Deflorio, Andrea, Klingler, M., Brinkmann, D., Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz Laser Beam Welding; Simulation; Different Approaches; Laserstrahlschweißen; welding; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 8 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Computer-Aided Express Determination of Diffusible Hydrogen in Deposited Weld Metal Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Levchenko, A. M., Homich, P. N., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 diffusible Hydrogen; deposited weld metal Source International Conference on Total Welding Management in Industrial Applications, 3rd JOIN Conference, Lappeenranta, August 21 - 24, 2007, S. 252 - 262 ISBN 978-952-214-413-3
Sensitivity Analysis of Welding Simulation Depending on Material Properties Value Variation Author(s) Schwenk, C., Rethmeier, M., Dilger, Klaus, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz sensitivity analysis; analysis; welding simulation; simulation; material properties value variation; welding; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 8 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Analytical-Experimental Technique for Calculating the Temperature Fields in Laser Welding Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Homich, P. N., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 analytical experimental technique; analytical; calculating temperature fields; temperature fields; laser welding; welding; Laserschweißen; Temperaturfelder; Berechnung Temperaturfelder; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source 11th Nolamp Conference in Laser Processing of Materials, August 20-22, 2007 Lappeenranta, S. 21 - 27
Utilization of Weld Pool Models in Thermal-Mechanical Simulations Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Schmidt, J., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz weld pool models; model; thermal-mechanical simulation; simulation; welding; fügen; schweißen; Fügetechnik Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 8 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Advanced Analytical-Numerical Approach for Simulation of Welding Distortions Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2007 Source Journal of Materials Science and Technology, S. 139 - 150 Volume 15 Issue/Journal number 3 ISSN 0861-9786
Models for Volume Heat Sources and Functional-Analytical Technique for Calculating the Temperature Fields in Butt Welding Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Homich, P. N., Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz functional-analytical technique; calculating temperature fields; temperature fields; butt welding; welding; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 8 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Investigation of the Modified CTS-Test for the Prediction of Cold Cracking Susceptibility by Numerical Models Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz CTS-Test; cold cracking susceptibility; numerical models; Kaltriss; numerische Modelle; welding; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source 978-3-902465-69-6 Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 8 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Computer-Aided Determination of Diffusible Hydrogen in Deposited Weld Metal Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Levchenko, A. M., Homich, P. N., Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz computer determination; determination; diffusible hydrogen; hydrogen; deposited weld metal; welding; fügen; schweißen; Fügetechnik Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 8, S. 785 - 798 ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
Thermomechanical Numerical Simulation with the Maximum Temperature Austenisation Cooling Time Model (STAAZ) Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Editor(s) Cerjak, Horst-Hannes Type conference publication Year of publication 2007 Publisher name Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz thermomechanical numerical simulation; thermomechanical; simulation; welding; fügen; schweißen; Fügetechnik Source 978-3-902465-69-6 Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena ISBN 978-3-902465-69-6
3D-Printing of Al2O3/Cu-O Composites Author(s) Melcher, Reinhold, Zhang, Wei, Travitzky, Nahum, Greil, Peter Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2006 Al2O3/Cu-O Composites; Pressureless Infiltration; 3D-Printing Source Ceramic Forum international, S. 18 - 22 Volume 83 Issue/Journal number 13 ISSN 0173-9913
Schlussbericht zum BMBF-Verbundprojekt SST-Schweißsimulationstool - Werkzeug zur vollständigen numerischen Simulation des Schmelzschweißens Author(s) Dilger, Klaus, Michailov, Vesselin Type report Year of publication 2006 Publisher name Aachen : Shaker-Verl. BMBF Verbundprojekt; SST-Schweißsimulationstool; Schweißsimulationstool; Forschungsbericht; Schweißsimulation; numerische Simulation; Schmelzschweißen; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik ISBN 978-3-8322-5414-8 Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Füge- und Schweißtechnik ; 16
Verbesserte Verzugsvorhersage beim Laserstrahlschweißen durch Implementierung eines Prozessmodells Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2006 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. Verzug; Verzugsvorhersage; Laserstrahlschweißen; Prozessmodell; Modell; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Schweißen und Schneiden 2006, Vorträge der gleichnamigen Großen Schweißtechnischen Tagung in Aachen vom 20. bis 22. September 2006 ISBN 978-3-87155-699-9
Experimentellgestütztes Berechnungsverfahren zur Ermittlung des Temperaturfeldes beim Laserstrahlschweißen Author(s) Karkhin, Victor A., Homich, P. N., Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2006 experimentellgestütztes Berechnungsverfahren; experimentelles Berechnungsverfahren; Berechnungsverfahren; Temperaturfeld; Laserstrahlschweißen; schweißen; fügen; Fügetechnik Source Zeitschrift "Schweißproduktion", S. 13 - 17
FE-Simulation des Schweißens Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Doynov, Nikolay, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2006 FE-Simulation; Simulation; schweißen; fügen Source Dresdner Fügetechnisches Kolloquium "Der Lichtbogen: Eine Technologie mit nicht ausgeschöpften Potenzialen", 23.-24. März 2006, Dresden
Schweißsimulation im Fahrzeugbau - Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Herausforderungen Author(s) Schwenk, C., Rethmeier, M., Dilger, Klaus, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verl. Source Schweißen und Schneiden 2005, Vorträge der gleichnamigen Großen Schweißtechnischen Tagung in Essen vom 12. bis 14. September 2005, S. 353 - 358 ISBN 3-87155-695-5 DVS-Berichte ; 237
Simulation der Gefügeumwandlungen mit der STAAZ-Methode Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Grafing bei München : CAD-FEM GmbH Source 23. CAD-FEM Users Meeting, 08.-10. November 2005, Bonn
Numerical Simulation of Tekken and Modified CTS-Test for the Prediction of Cold Cracking Susceptibility Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc, Dilger, Klaus, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Graz : Techn. Univ. Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 7, papers presented at the Seventh International Seminar 'Numerical Analysis of Weldability' held 2003 at Schloss Seggau near Graz, Austria, S. 875 - 891 ISBN 3-901351-99-X
Development of the Strains during Local Explosive Post Treatment of Welded Joints Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Christov, St., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Graz : Techn. Univ. Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 7, papers presented at the Seventh International Seminar 'Numerical Analysis of Weldability' held 2003 at Schloss Seggau near Graz, Austria, S. 363 - 375 ISBN 3-901351-99-X
FE-Welding Simulation and Distorsion Measurement during Welding using optical Object Grating Method Author(s) Brand, M., Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Graz : Techn. Univ. Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 7, papers presented at the Seventh International Seminar 'Numerical Analysis of Weldability' held 2003 Schloss Seggau near Graz, Austria, S. 763 - 778 ISBN 3-901351-99-X
Numerical MIG-Welding Simulation of Magnesium Alloys Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Staudtaus, M., Rethmeier, M. Type conference publication Year of publication 2005 Publisher name Graz : Techn. Univ. Source Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 7, papers presented at the Seventh International Seminar 'Numerical Analysis of Weldability' held 2003 at Schloss Seggau near Graz, Austria, S. 77 - 89 ISBN 3-901351-99-X
Numerical simulation of welding stresses and distortions under consideration of temporal and local changes of strain rate Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type article Year of publication 2004 Source Journal de physique : 4, proceedings 120(2004) S. 169-175, 1155-4339
Schweißtechnische FE-Simultaion mit Gefügeumwandlungen Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2004 Source 22. CAD-FEM Users Meeting, 10-12. November 2004., Dresden
Numerische Simulation und Verifikation des Bauteilverzugs beim Schweißen unter Verwendung optischer Feldmeßmethoden Author(s) Brand, M., Petz, M., Tutsch, R., Wohlfahrt, Helmut, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2003 Publisher name Grafing bei München : CAD-FEM GmbH Numerische Verzugssimulation; optische Feldmeßmethoden; Source Conference proceedings, 21st CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2003, International Congress on FEM Technology, 12. - 14. November 2003, im Hotel Dorint Sanssouci Berlin, Potsdam ISBN 3-937523-00-6
Numerische Simulation der Eigenspannungen und des Bauteilverzugs beim Schweißen mit Berücksichtigung des Umwandlungsverhaltens Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Brand, M., Michailov, Vesselin Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2003 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS-Verlag Laserstrahlschweißen; Eigenspannung; Verzug; numerische Simulation; thermomechanische Kennwerte Source Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, Schweissen und Schneiden, 2003, S. 279 - 283 ISBN 3-87155-683-1 DVS- Berichte ; 225
Vorhersage der Härteverteilung beim Schweißen mit Hilfe der numerischen Simulation Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin Type conference publication Year of publication 2003 Publisher name Grafing bei München : CAD-FEM GmbH Numerische Simulation; Härteverteilung beim Schweißen Source Conference proceedings, 21st CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2003, International Congress on FEM Technology, 12. - 14. November 2003, im Hotel Dorint Sanssouci Berlin, Potsdam ISBN 3-937523-00-6
Numerical calculation of the main factors on cold cracking Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2003 cold cracks; finite‐element‐analysis; Kaltrisse Source Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik, S. 145 - 151 Volume 34 Issue/Journal number 1 ISSN 0933-5137 1521-4052 DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/mawe.200390007
Finite Elements Simulation of Multipass Submerged Arc Welding Author(s) Doynov, Nikolay, Christov, St., Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2002 Publisher name London : Maney – IOM Multipass Submerged Arc Welding; Finite Elements Simulation Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 6, S. 651 - 669 ISBN 978-1-902653-56-3 Materials modelling series ; 784
Numerische Simulation der Eigenspannungen und des Bauteilverzugs beim Schweißen unter Berücksichtigung der zeitlichen und örtlichen Änderung der Dehnrate Author(s) Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type conference publication Year of publication 2002 Publisher name Grafing bei München : CAD-FEM GmbH Dehngeschwindigkeit; Dehngrenze; Eigenspannung; Laserstrahlschweißen; numerische Simulation; Verzug Source Internationale FEM-Technologietage, 20th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting, 9-11 Oktober 2002, Friedrichshafen
Numerical Calculation of Temperature Load and Distortion during Welding of Circumferential Weld Seams Author(s) Rethmeier, M., Stadtaus, Marc, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2002 Publisher name London : Maney – IOM Numerical calculation of temperature load and distortion; Circumferential weld seams Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 6, S. 685 - 702 ISBN 978-1-902653-56-3 Materials modelling series ; 784
Simulation of Weld Shape, Microstructure, Distortion and Residual Stresses for Laser Beam Welding Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2002 Publisher name London : Maney – IOM Laser Beam Welding; Simulation of Weld Shape; Microstructure; Distortion and Residual Stresses Source Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 6, S. 419 - 442 ISBN 978-1-902653-56-3 Materials modelling series ; 784
Berechnung von Nahtgeometrie, Gefüge, Verzug und Eigenspannungen beim Schmelzschweißen Author(s) Stadtaus, Marc, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2001 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Verlag Berechnung von Nahtgeometrie; Gefügesimulation; Verzug und Eigenspannungen Source Schweißen und Schneiden 2001, S. 315 - 321 ISBN 978-3-87155-674-6 DVS-Berichte ; 216
Einfluss von Beimengungen zum Schutzgas beim Lichtbogenschweißen von Aluminiumwerkstoffen Author(s) Röhrs, K., Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type part of book (chapter) Year of publication 2001 Publisher name Düsseldorf : DVS Verlag Lichtbogenschweißen von Aluminiumwerkstoffen; Einfluss von Beimengungen zum Schutzgas Source Schweißen und Schneiden 2001, S. 349 - 354 ISBN 978-3-87155-674-6 DVS-Berichte ; 216
Erweiterung der numerischen Schweißsimulation zur Untersuchung metallkundlicher Fragestellungen Author(s) Voß, O., Michailov, Vesselin, Decker, I. Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2001 numerische Schweißsimulation,Gefügeumwandlungen,Werkstoffkennwerte Source Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, S. 293 - 299 Volume 92 Issue/Journal number 3 ISSN 0044-3093
Einige Probleme der FE-Simulation zur Wasserstoff- und Stickstoffverteilung beim Schweißen Author(s) Michailov, Vesselin, Stadtaus, Marc Type Scientific Article ref. Year of publication 2001 Wasserstoff- und Stickstoffverteilung; FE-Simulation des Schweißens Source Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, S. 247 - 252 Volume 92 Issue/Journal number 3 ISSN 0044-3093
Zähigkeitsuntersuchungen an schmalen Verfahrenseinflusszonen pressstumpfgeschweißter Stähle Author(s) Thomas, Karl, Michailov, Vesselin, Wohlfahrt, Helmut Type Scientific Article not ref. Year of publication 2000 Zähigkeitsuntersuchungen; Pressstumpschweißung Source Schweißen und Schneiden, S. 734 - 745 Volume 52 Issue/Journal number 12
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