Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Rüdiger Fellbaum
Former director 1994-2007
- 1942 born in Berlin
- 1962 Abitur
- 1964 to 1971 Studies of Electrical Engineering (focus on Telecommunications) at the universities of technology in Hanover and Berlin
- 1971 to 1975 scientific assistant at the research institute of AEG-Telefunken (today Daimler Benz) in Ulm, field of study: electronic speech signal processing
- 1975 doctoral studies as external doctoral candidate at the TU Berlin with a thesis on speech coding methods
- 1975 to 1977 Senior Engineer at the Chair of Telecommunications at the University of Dortmund
- 1977 appointment as professor at the TU Berlin, chair of digital transmission technology
- 1994 Appointed to the Chair of Communication Technology at BTU Cottbus; field of study: Narrowband and broadband communication, methods and applications of electronic speech signal processing, electronic communication aids for the disabled, multimedia communication
- 2001 Elected dean of the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Business Administration and Engineering faculty
Supervisor of scientific work:
- Supervisor of 16 dissertations as first supervisor, another 15 dissertations as second supervisor as well as a habilitation
Research areas and projects:
- Methods and applications of electronic speech signal processing
- Auditory measurement methods for speech signals
- Applications of speech technology for blind and deaf people
- Human-machine communication
- Teleteaching/Telelearning
- Staff Member of the BmFT research project "Speech Processing" (SPICOS)
- Scientific project manager in the BmFT joint research project VESPRA
- Project leader in the BmA research project "Disabled Communication Systems
- Project partner in the EC projects TIDE-GUIB and ONOMASTICA
- Project leader in the BMBF project "E-Learning-Modules
- numerous other research projects; funded by DFG and TU Berlin
see also research profile
Approx. 100 publications; author or editor of twelve monographs focusing on the following topics:
- Speech processing
- telematic services
- electronic communication aids for the disabled
see also publications
Other activities:
- Organizer of several international and national conferences on electronic speech signal processing; General Chairman of the international conference EUROSPEECH '93
- Expert reviewer in the EC projects ESPRIT (Speech Processing Project SPIN) and TIDE; Expert in the European project COST 219 (Future Communication Aids for Disabled People)
- Member of ten appointment committees of the TU Dresden