Energy transition at RWE, global growth and local responsibility

Dr. Jens Hannes - Head of Research and Development for Circular Economy at RWE Power AG.

In his guest lecture, Dr. Hannes will be providing an overview into the systemic and multidimensional aspects faced in the transformation of carbon intensive industries based on the example of RWE.

Following his lecture, participants will also have the opportunity for Q&A and discussion in an interactive session with him.

Date comment:
The lecture will be held in English.

7. Ebene
Inf.-,Komm.-u.Medien-Ztr. (IKMZ)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2
03044 Cottbus

Contact us

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Roh Pin Lee
Dekarbonisierung und Transformation der Industrie
T +49 (0) 355 69-2398