Geometrietag 2024 on the occasion of Prof. Horst Martini's 70th birthday
Dates: June 6-7, 2024
Place: BTU, ZHG, Seminarraum 2
Main speakers:
Bernardo González Merino (University of Murcia, Spain), "From the question how to properly define the diameter in generalized Minkowski spaces to relating means of convex bodies - inspired by Horst and Thomas".
Konrad Swanepoel (London School of Economics, UK), "Totally separable packings of translates of a convex body"
Günter M. Ziegler (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), "Convex polytopes: examples and counterexamples, problems and conjectures"
Thomas Jahn: Thomas.Jahn (at)
Gennadiy Averkov: Gennadiy.Averkov (at)