The course is structured as an experiential course on archiving, re-cataloguing and re-interpretation, and focuses on the building(s) and space(s) in Berlin, which have witnessed various periods and breaking points of history and have been subjected to transformation(s) both in terms of their purpose of use and representation, and have been the subject of discussions referring many fields such as architectural, urban, political, sociological, etc.
The main objectives are to collect and interprete the data in order to discuss a city and architecture through archive and collection photographs on how the photographs and representations of these buildings and spaces have changed, transformed, interpreted or remained the same with the changes experienced by the city of Berlin at various breaking points
Prof. Dr.-Ing. (I) Raimund Fein
Dr. Evin Eris
Tue 09:30 - 12:30
First Session:
Tue 11 April 2023
Bldg. 2D 310

The course intends to explore the vivid dynamics among architecture, city, space and the lives (and social order) of people, by focusing on the architectural interaction of two different cultures, namely Germany and Turkey at the very beginning of the 20th century. The course asks the following two questions and attempts to tie their answers in the retrospective context of; ‘modernity as a social project’ and ‘modernism as its spatial agent’…; firstly, what are the mechanisms operating among space, buildings, cities and social, cultural, philosophical matters for materializing a (socio-political) ‘idea’ through built forms (spaces, buildings and cities); and secondly, how the historical context of early 20th century and the specific relations between two allies of World War 1 (Germany and Turkey), had been utilized / exploited the dynamics of “materializing an ‘idea’ through architecture and urban planning” in constituting an emerging national identity in Middle East at a critical time in history….
Thus, the content of the course accommodates issues ranging from the general evolution of human settlement on earth to the relations between ideas and shapes, forms, buildings, spaces, cities, from the essential ideas determining the early 20th century German Architecture, to the ideals of a newly establishing Turkish Republic in the 1920s that was craving for a new identity via a new Turkish Architecture.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. (I) Raimund Fein
Dr. Evin Eris
Tue 09:30 - 12:30
First Session:
Tue 12 April 2022
Bldg. 2D.310
West Berlin Revisited - Architecture and Urbanism along the Berlin Wall WHS MA | S 2021 | Architecture City Space

The Berlin Wall divided the city of Berlin between 1961 und 1989, making West Berlin a walled enclave. Considered a “showcase of the West”, West Berlin received large sums of subsidies to invest in the built environment and hold and attract population, and although the Wall cut a wide swathe through the city and created an inner periphery, plans were made for the whole city. West Berlin thus became a laboratory for urban change. The enclave was a testing ground for concepts typical of the 1960s and 70s in Western architectural history, and at the same time it was a very specific place, where powerful interventions “from above” met resistance from a diverse and in parts very politicised population.
In the seminar, we will visit the remaining architectures on site and in literature: among them, the large housing estates around the Kottbusser Tor, which has become a lively community centre; the silent residential area in the southern Friedrichstadt, as well as the Märkisches Viertel, a satellite town in the North which was meant to accommodate people displaced by urban redevelopment. We will study the history of these places, reflect on the architectural and urban concepts and their impact on the city as well as on our own experience when we visit them. Films will help us to grasp the special atmosphere of West Berlin and show the difference to today when these places have become part of a very different urban topology. Not at least, we will discuss how to deal with these architectures that were built in the shadow of the Berlin Wall, and with the Wall itself as a heritage site.
Module Nr 22504
Course Nr LV 610115 | Hybrid Seminar | Elective | Credits 6
Dipl-Ing. Vlatka Šeremet / Dept. of Architectural Design & Typology
Dr. phil. Christa Kamleithner / Dept. of Art History
Time Tue 09:30 – 12:30
Due to the pandemic, the seminar will be held online and outdoor.
1st Session Tue 13/04/2021