Mentoring Internship for Students enrolled at BTU

The goal of the student internship is to create a link between academia and industry, especially in the field of IT security, and to get practical experience. It gives students the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained during their studies in practice and strengthens their ability to work in a team. The student internship can also be completed after the submission of the Master thesis. Each student is responsible for the arrangement of her/his internship. The total duration of the student internship should be equivalent at least to 260 working hours. If possible, the internship should by taken as full time and without interruption. Working days missed due to sickness should be caught up.

Before your internship

We welcome students who would like Prof. Panchenko to act as a mentor for their student internship. To this end, according to the regulations, the internship should be approved by Prof. Panchenko at least four weeks before its start. For the approval, you need to submit to our secretary the internship recognition form filled out together with one-page detailed description (written by you) of what you will be doing during your internship. The description of the work should be detailed and not superficial, and it should be approved by the company. Do not forget to name the company and the name of your supervisor in the company. Please do not send us documents such as your working contract or announcement of the position from the company. We mainly check whether the work you will be doing is related to the subject of your studies (e.g., Cyber Security) and whether the amount of work is sufficient to fill in / justify at least two months, full-time job.

During your internship

It is recommended that the student regularly records her/his working hours as well as detailed information about the tasks executed during the internship.

After your internship

According to the regulations at BTU, the student is required to submit a report to Prof. Panchenko latest eight weeks after finishing her/his internship. The report should be around 3,500 to 4,000 words long and should satisfy the general requirements for a scientific work. The report should contain the following information:

  • Internship certificate signed and stamped by the corresponding company
  • Duration of the internship, i.e., start and end date of the internship, total number of working hours per week, number of absence days and the corresponding reason for the absence.
  • Usual working procedures during your internship, i.e.:
    • Did you have regular meetings with your supervisor? If yes, how often?
    • Were you involved in other team meetings? If yes, how often did you attend them?
    • Did you have access to specific hardware and software resources? If yes, which ones? Were these resources continuously available for you or did you share them with somebody else (if yes, how did you schedule the sharing)?
    • etc.
  • General overview of the company
  • A clear definition of your problem statement considered during the internship, i.e., a complete list of your goals and tasks during the internship.
  • Description of existing state-of-the-art solutions for your problem statement and/or tasks.
  • A clear description of your procedure/solution how you solved the problem statement / tasks during your internship.
  • How did you test / evaluate your solution?
  • A conclusion of the report, i.e., a brief description of the reflection of this internship on your experience / knowledge.

Please note that you should use the following template for your internship report. The initial submission of the internship report should be done via email to Asya Mitseva.

Should you have further questions, please contact Asya Mitseva for further information or questions regarding student internships.