Applicos ATX 7006
ADC Test System, 16-Bit, 200MHz, build in references, supply and AWG,
fully automated mixed-signal ADC test controlled by PC, static and dynamic characterization.
Pulse Function AWG Noise Generator Agilent 81150A,
120MHz, 2 outputs, pattern gen.
Keithley Source Meter 2400
(3pcs., Interface & control by LabView)
Keithley Source Meter 2420
(2pcs., Interface & control by LabView)
Keithley Source Meter 2601A
(Interface & control by LabView)
Le Croy Wave Runner 204 MXi
2 pcs., Speicher Oszilloskop, 4-Kanal, 2 GHz, 10 Gs/s
1x Le Croy AP015
Current Probe, 50MHz
2x Le Croy AP034
Differential Probe, 5V/50V common mode
2x Le Croy HFP 2500
Active Probes, 2.5 GHz
LeCroy Logic Extension MS500
36-chan., Logik Erweiterung Oszilloskop, 36-Kanal digital
Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA development system
ARM Cortex-M3 development systems
from Keil, MCBSTM32 with STM32F103
Precision temperature chamber CTS 65/50
-40…+160degC (Interface & control by LabView)