Beiträge für Workshops
Zichler, K. and Helke, S. (2019). R2BC: Tool-Based Requirements Preparation for Delta Analyses by Conversion into Boilerplates. Proc. of the Workshops of the Software Engineering Conference 2019, 16th Workshop Automotive Software Engineering (ASE 2019), Published on CEUR-WS, vol. 2308, pages 45-52.
Zichler, K. and Helke, S. (2017). Ontologiebasierte Abhängigkeitsanalyse im Projektlastenheft. Proc. Automotive - Safety und Security 2017, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit für automobile Informationstechnik. (AUTOMOTIVE 2017), GI-LNI, vol. 269.
Helke, S. and Kammüller, F. and Probst, C.W. (2016). Secure Refactoring with Java Information Flow. Proc. International Workshop on DATA PRIVACY MANAGEMENT (DPM 2015), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 9481, pages 264-272, ISBN: 978-3-319-29882-5.
Noack, T. and Helke, S. (2015). Automatische Verlinkung von Anforderungen und Testfällen. INFORMATIK 2015 - Workshopband, 13. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering, GI-LNI, vol. 246, pages 1609-1620, ISBN 978-3-88579-640-4
Mews, M. and Helke, S. (2012). Towards Static Modular Software Verification. Software Engineering 2012 - Workshopband, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik. GI-LNI, vol. 199, 147-153.
Helke, S. and Kammüller, F. (2003). Verification of Statecharts Including Data Spaces. Emerging Trends of Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2003). Technical Report, University of Rom.
Helke, S. and Kammüller F. (2003). A Framework for Property Preservation Based on Galois Connections. Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2003). Technical Report, University of Rom.
Seifert, D. and Helke, S. and Santen T. (2003). Conformance Testing for Statecharts. Technical Report, Technical University of Berlin.
Helke, S. and Nordwig, A. and Santen, T. and Sokenou, D. (2000). Scaling Up von V V Techniken durch Integration und Abstraktion. Proceedings of GI-Workshop ``Rigorose Entwicklung software-intensiver Systeme''. LMU München, 12-21.
Helke, S. and Kammüller F. (2000). Mechanical Analysis of UML State Machines and Class Diagrams. Proc. Workshop on Precise Semantics for the UML (ECOOP 2000).