Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Leen Lambers
- Softwarequalität
- Softwarearchitekturen
- Automatisiertes Testen und Analysieren von Software
- Domänenspezifische Sprachen
- Graphbasierte Anfragesprachen
- Modellgetriebene Techniken für die Konstruktion und Analyse von Software
- Formale Methoden in der Softwaretechnik (insbesondere Graphlogik & Graphtransformation)
- Labor für Softwarequalität mit Anwendungen in der Medizininformatik
Hintergrundinformationen finden Sie auf unserer Willkommensseite und Forschungsseite.
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- Seit 01.10.2021 Professorin für Praktische Informatik / Softwaresystemtechnik an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
- 01.07.2015-30.06.2021 Senior Researcherin im Themenbereich Softwarequalität am Fachgebiet Systemanalyse und Modellierung, Hasso-Plattner-Institut an der Universität Potsdam
- 01.01.2010-30.06.2015 Postdoktorandin am Fachgebiet Systemanalyse und Modellierung, Prof.Dr. Holger Giese, Hasso-Plattner-Institut an der Universität Potsdam, DFG-Projekt Korrekte Modelltransformationen
- 01.12.2012-31.03.2013 Forschungsaufenthalt, Technical University of Catalonia, Spanien, Computer Science Department, Prof.Dr. Fernando Orejas
- 15.10.2003-31.12.2009 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Fachgebiet Theoretische Informatik/Formale Spezifikation, Prof.Dr. Hartmut Ehrig, TU Berlin
- 03.12.2009 Dr.rer.nat., summa cum laude, Promotionsthema Zertifizierung von Regelbasierten Modellen durch Graphtransformation
- 01.04-31.07.2006 Forschungsaufenthalt, University of Milano Bicocca, Italien, Laboratory of Test and Analysis, Prof.Dr. Mauro Pezzè
- 26.02-06.04.2005 und 19.07-04.10.2005 Forschungsaufenthalt, Technical University of Catalonia, Spanien, Computer Science Department, Prof.Dr. Fernando Orejas
Mitglied in Programmkomitee (2023-24)
- 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
- ACM Student Research Competition at MODELS 24
- Workshops at MODELS 24
- 15th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models
- 27th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
- 20th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications
- 17th International Conference on Graph Transformation
- 27th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
- 14th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models
- 16th International Conference on Graph Transformation
- Software Engineering 2023
- Student Research Competition at Software Engineering 2023
Vorsitz Programmkomitee
- Doctoral Symposium of the 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Co-chair Sébastien Mosser (Mc Master University, Canada)
- 26th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering conference at ETAPS 2023 Co-chair Sebastián Uchitel (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 9th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations online event co-located with STAF 2020, Co-chair Meng Wang (University of Bristol, UK)
- 11th International Conference on Graph Transformation Toulouse, France, 2018, Co-chair Jens Weber (University of Victoria, Canada)
- 2nd International Workshop on the Verification of Model Transformation Budapest, Hungary, 2013, Co-organizers Eugene Syriani (University of Alabama, USA), Moussa Amrani (University of Luxemburg), Manuel Wimmer (TU Vienna, Austria)
- 11th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques Tallin, Estonia, 2012, Co-chair Andrew Fish (University of Brighton, UK)
Vorsitz Workshops
- 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Västerås (Sweden), Co-chair Davide Di Ruscio (University of l'Aquila)
- Software Engineering 2024, Linz (Austria), Co-chair Deepak Dhungana (University of Applied Sciences Krems)
- 10-11.07.2024 EASST Best Software Science Paper Award International Conference on Graph Transformation Taint Analysis for Graph APIs Focusing on Broken Access Control mit Lucas Sakizloglou, Osama Al-Wardi, and Taisiya Khakharova
- 01-06.10.2023 MODELS 2023 SoSyM-First Paper Award Journal of Software and Systems Modeling A Graph-Based Framework for Model-Driven Optimization Facilitating Impact Analysis of Mutation Operator Properties with Stefan John, Jens Kosiol, and Gabriele Taentzer
- 23-28.10.2022 MODELS 2022 Best Reviewer Award - Foundations Track 25th International Conference on Model driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Manuel Wimmer (Foundations PC Chair), Houari Sahraoui (General Co-Chair), Eugene Syriani (General Co-Chair)
- 25-26.07.2020 EATCS Best Paper Award International Conference on Graph Transformation Initial Conflicts for Transformation Rules with Nested Application Conditions mit Fernando Orejas
- 18-19.07.2017 EATCS Best Paper Award International Conference on Graph Transformation Granularity of Conflicts and Dependencies mit Kristopher Born, Daniel Strüber und Gabriele Taentzer
- 30.09.2010 EATCS Best Paper Award International Conference on Graph Transformation Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions mit Hartmut Ehrig, Annegret Habel, Fernando Orejas und Ulrike Golas
- 13.09.2008 Tool Contest Award GraBaTs'08 International Workshop on Graph Based Tools, Best Live Contest Solution (Interoperability), Team AGG mit Ulrike Prange