- M. Drieschner. Effiziente experimentell gestützte Modellierung unter polymorpher Unschärfe: Herausforderungen von der Erstellung bis zur Bewertung. Disputation, TU Berlin. 2023, Berlin, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. The consideration of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in the data assimilation by using a multilayered uncertainty space. 10th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics. 2023, Wien, Österreich
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. On the use of dual basis func1ons in mixed isogeometric formulations. Advances in Computational Mechanics (ACM 2023), Oktober 2023, Austin, TX, USA.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. On the implementation of a dual lumping scheme for isogeometric element formulations. 10th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2023), September 2023, Wien, Österreich.
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. A mixed isogeometric discretization with independently interpolated displacement and strain components. 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13), Juli 2023, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
- N. Azizi und W. Dornisch. Comparison of accuracy between IGA shell and NURBS-based SEM shell. 11th International Conference on IsoGeometric Analysis 2023 (IGA 2023), Juni 2023, Lyon, Frankreich.
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. A displacement-strain-mixed plane stress element for isogeometric analysis. 11th International Conference on IsoGeometric Analysis 2023 (IGA 2023), Juni 2023, Lyon, Frankreich.
- S. Held, W. Dornisch und S. Eisenträger. On the application of mass lumping to IGA formulations in explicit dynamics. 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Juni 2023, Athen, Griechenland.
- N. Azizi und W. Dornisch. An effort to utilize high order exact geometrically defined Reissner-Mindlin spectral shell elements: Advantages and problems. 9th International Conference on High Order Finite Element and Isogeometric Methods (HOFEIM 2023), Juni 2023, Larnaca, Zypern.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. On the use of dual basis functions in explicit dynamics within isogeometric analysis. 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2023), Juni 2023, Dresden, Deutschland.
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. Investigations on adapted interpolation orders for a displacement-strain-mixed isogeometric formulation. 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2023), Juni 2023, Dresden, Deutschland.
- N. Azizi und W. Dornisch. An efficient exact geometrically defined Reissner-Mindlin shell element for analysis of shell structures. 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2023), Juni 2023, Dresden, Deutschland.
- M. Zobel, H. Hübel, B. Vollrath und W. Dornisch. Applying the Simplified Theory of Plastic Zones to Single-Parameter Cyclic Loading. 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2023), Juni 2023, Dresden, Deutschland.
- M. Drieschner. Local surrogate responses in the Schwarz alternating method for elastic problems on random voided domains. Komplex C-Workshop (SPP 1886) – Interaktionen und multiphysikalisches Verhalten mit unscharfen Daten. 2022, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. Die Klassifikation von Unschärfe - warum und was folgt daraus? Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2021 in 2022. 2022, Steinfeld/Kall, Deutschland
- R. Gruhlke, M. Drieschner. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2022, Aachen, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. Local surrogate responses in Schwarz alternating method for elastic problems on random domains. ECCOMAS Congress. 2022, Oslo, Norwegen
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. A convective isogeometric element formulation with mixed basis function degrees. 10th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2022), November 2022, Banff, Kanada.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. Mass lumping with dual test functions in IGA dynamics. 10th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2022), November 2022, Banff, Kanada.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. Lumping für explizite Zeitintegration in der isogeometrischen Analyse. Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2021 in 2022, September 2022, Kall/Steinfeld, Deutschland.
- F. Fohler und W. Dornisch. Form finding for engineering structures using the phase field method. 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2022), September 2022, Essen, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch und J. Stöckler. An isogeometric mortar method with optimal convergence and reduced support. 24th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM) and the 42nd Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech), September 2022, Swinoujscie, Polen.
- W. Dornisch. A comparison of integration schemes for isogeometric analysis. 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2022), August 2022, Aachen, Deutschland.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. Investigations on dual test functions for isogeometric explicit dynamic analysis. 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2022), August 2022, Aachen, Deutschland.
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. On the use of mixed basis function degrees within a convective isogeometric element formulation. 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2022), August 2022, Aachen, Deutschland.
- S. Held und W. Dornisch. Mass lumping scheme for IGA dynamics. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2022), Juli 2022, Galway, Irland.
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2021, Online
- M. Drieschner. Design of a 3D composite structure considering data uncertainties and various failure mechanisms. 91st GAMM Annual Meeting. 2021, Online
- M. Drieschner. Global stability failure of a three-dimensional composite structure caused by unavoidable polymorphic uncertainties. WCCM14. 2021, Online
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. A two-field isogeometric formulation with different continuities. Virtual International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (VIGA 2021), September 2021, Virtual conference.
- L. Stammen und W. Dornisch. A mixed isogeometric plane stress and plane strain formulation with different continuities for the alleviation of locking. VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Juli 2021, Virtual conference.
- S. Held, W. Dornisch und N. Azizi. An isogeometric element formulation for linear two-dimensional elasticity based on the Airy equation. VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Juli 2021, Virtual conference.
- W. Dornisch und J. Stöckler. An isogeometric mortar method with optimal convergence at crosspoints. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV), ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Januar 2021, Virtual conference.
W. Dornisch. Basics, Challenges and Advantages of Isogeometric Analysis. Seminarium WILiT at Poznan University of Technology, Dezember 2021, Poznan, Polen, Online-Vortrag.
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2020, Online
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Kurzbericht. Kick-Off-Meeting der 2. Förderphase (SPP 1886). 2020, Online
- S. Aziz Ali, S. Yan, W. Dornisch und D. Stricker. Foldmatch: Accurate and high fidelity garment fitting onto 3D scans. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2020), Oktober 2020, Virtual conference.
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2019, Hamburg, Deutschland
- W. Dornisch. Efficient Integration Schemes in NURBS-based Isogeometric Analysis – Comparison and Application to Shell Elements. Keynote Lecture at the 7th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2019), September 2019, München, Deutschland.
- M. Chasapi, W. Dornisch, S. Klinkel. Coupling of patches for isogeometric analysis of solids in boundary representation. 7th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2019), September 2019, München, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch. A comparison of integration schemes for isogeometric analysis. 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, August 2019, Kassel, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Modeling of electric field-induced magnetization switching in multiferroic heterostructures. 90th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2019), Februar 2019, Wien, Österreich.
- S. Schmidt, W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Martensitic transformation at a crack under mode I and II loading. 90th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2019), Februar 2019, Wien, Österreich.
- R. Gruhlke, Y. Petryna, M. Drieschner. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2018, Udine, Italien
- M. Drieschner. Acquisition of polymorphic uncertain data and integration in numerical models of adhesive bonds. Komplex A-Workshop (SPP 1886) – Datenmodelle, -akquisition, -assimilation. 2018, Berlin, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. Evaluation of uncertain outputs in the failure analysis of adhesive bonds. Komplex E-Workshop (SPP 1886) – Evaluation. 2018, München, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. Failure analysis of adhesive bonds with polymorphic uncertainties: Experiment and simulation. ECCM6 – ECFD7. 2018, Glasgow, UK
- W. Dornisch, J. Stöckler und R. Müller. Isogeometric Dual Mortar Coupling for Complex NURBS Surface Patch Models. 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII), Juli 2018, New York, NY, USA.
- Z. Zou, M. A. Scott, D. C. Thomas, B. Oesterle, M. Bischoff, W. Dornisch und T. J. R. Hughes. Applying Isogeometric Shells to Unstructured U-spline Surfaces. 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII), Juli 2018, New York, NY, USA.
- W. Dornisch, J. Stöckler und R. Müller. Coupling of NURBS patches with the isogeometric dual mortar method. 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), Juni 2018, Glasgow, Vereinigtes Königreich.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Phase field modelling of ferroelectric-ferromagnetic interfaces. 3rd Seminar on the Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, Juni 2018, Bad Honnef, Deutschland.
- M. Drieschner. Projektvorstellung. Doktorandenkolloquium der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts für Bauingenieurwesen. 2017, Berlin, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Jahresbericht. Jahrestreffen (SPP 1886). 2017, München, Deutschland
- R. Gruhlke, M. Drieschner. Multi-scale failure analysis with polymorphic uncertainties for optimal design of rotor blades. FrontUQ-Workshop. 2017, München, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner, R. Gruhlke. Projektvorstellung. Vernetzungsworkshop der Projektbearbeiter*innen (SPP 1886). 2017, Dresden, Deutschland
- M. Drieschner. Mehrskalige Versagensanalyse unter polymorphen Unsicherheiten für das optimale Design von Rotorblättern. Komplex A-Workshop (SPP 1886) – Datenmodelle, -akquisition, -assimilation. 2017, Berlin, Deutschland
- W. Dornisch, J. Stöckler und R. Müller. Recent advances in isogeometric dual mortar patch coupling. 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Oktober 2017, Stuttgart, Deutschland.
- G. Kikis, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. A method for the elimination of shear locking effects in an isogeometric Reissner-Mindlin shell formulation. 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Oktober 2017, Stuttgart, Deutschland.
- G. Kikis, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis – adjusted approximation spaces for the reduction of shear locking effects. 5th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2017), September 2017, Pavia, Italien.
- W. Dornisch, R. Müller und J. Stöckler. Recent Advances in Isogeometric Analysis: Mortar Methods for NURBS Patch Coupling. Plenary Lecture presented by J. Stöckler at the 2nd Conference on Subdivision, Geometric and Algebraic Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability in Italy (SMART 2017), September 2017, Gaeta, Italien.
- W. Dornisch, D. Schrade, B.-X. Xu und R. Müller. Coupling of phase field models for ferroelectric and ferromagnetic layers in multiferroic heterostructures. VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled Problems 2017), Juni 2017, Rhodos, Griechenland.
- W. Dornisch, D. Schrade und R. Müller. Numerical methods for the modeling of the magnetization vector in multiferroic heterostructures. 88th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2017), März 2017, Weimar, Deutschland.
- P. Sobota, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. An isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell element for dynamic analysis considering geometric and material nonlinearities. 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2016), September 2016, Bristol, Vereinigtes Königreich.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Dual basis functions for isogeometric solid mechanics. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), August 2016, Montreal, Kanada.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Approximate dual basis functions for B-splines. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Juli 2016, Seoul, Südkorea.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. On dual basis functions for the isogeometric mortar method. 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS VII), Juni 2016, Hersonissos, Griechenland.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Advantages and challenges of isogeometric structural analysis of thin-walled structures. Young Researchers Symposium 2016 (YRS 2016), April 2016, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch und R. Müller. Patch coupling with the isogeometric dual mortar approach. Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV (GAMM 2016), März 2016, Braunschweig, Deutschland.
- B. Simeon, S. Klinkel, L. Chen, W. Dornisch und C. Lovadina. On the Isogeometric Version of the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method. Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Februar 2016, Oberwolfach, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch. On the use of approximate dual basis functions in the isogeometric mortar method. Oberseminar über Approximationstheorie des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Technischen Universität Dortmund, März 2016, Dortmund, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch, R. Müller und S. Klinkel. Patch coupling with the mortar method in isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis. 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13), Juli 2015, San Diego, CA, USA.
- W. Dornisch, L. Chen und S. Klinkel. Hybrid Collocation-Galerkin Approach for the Analysis of Surface Represented Solids. 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13), Juli 2015, San Diego, CA, USA.
- W. Dornisch, R. Müller und S. Klinkel. The influence of integration schemes in isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis. 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC GACM 2015), Juli 2015, Aachen, Deutschland.
- L. Chen, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. A hybrid collocation-Galerkin approach for the analysis of 3D solids. 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC GACM 2015), Juli 2015, Aachen, Deutschland.
- L. Chen, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. NURBS Based Hybrid Collocation-Galerkin Approach for the Static Analysis of 3D solids. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC15), Juli 2015, Madrid, Spanien.
- W. Dornisch, R. Müller und S. Klinkel. Rotational concepts for isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell formulations. 3rd International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2015), Juni 2015, Trondheim, Norwegen.
- S. Klinkel, L. Chen und W. Dornisch. A hybrid collocation-Galerkin method for the analysis of boundary represented 3D solids. 3rd International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2015), Juni 2015, Trondheim, Norwegen.
- W. Dornisch, R. Müller und S. Klinkel. An efficient and robust Reissner–Mindlin shell formulation for isogeometric analysis. 86th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2015), März 2015, Lecce, Italien.
- S. Klinkel, L. Chen und W. Dornisch. A surface oriented solid formulation based on a hybrid Galerkin-collocation method. 86th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2015), März 2015, Lecce, Italien.
- W. Dornisch, G. Vitucci und S. Klinkel. The weak substitution method - a new approach for the connection of NURBS surface patches in isogeometric analysis. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Juli 2014, Barcelona, Spanien.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis - geometries with kinks and non-conforming meshes. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Juli 2014, Barcelona, Spanien.
- L. Chen, W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. A NURBS based collocation approach for SB-FEM. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Juli 2014, Barcelona, Spanien.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. A new method for the coupling of non-conforming NURBS surface patches – Theory and comparison to the Lagrange multiplier method. Isogeometric Analysis and Applications (IGAA2014), April 2014, Annweiler, Deutschland.
- S. Klinkel, W. Dornisch und G. Vitucci. Coupling of non-conforming NURBS surface patches with the weak substitution method. 85th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2014), März 2014, Erlangen, Deutschland.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Treatment of Kinks in Isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin Shell Analysis. 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Juli 2013, Raleigh, NC, USA.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. A New Method for the Connection of Non-Conforming NURBS Patches in Isogeometric Analysis. 84th GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2013), März 2013, Novi Sad, Serbien.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Isogeometric Reissner-Mindlin shell analysis for multi-patch NURBS surfaces. Forschungskolloqium Baustatik - Baupraxis, September 2012, Wesel, Deutschland.
- S. Klinkel und W. Dornisch. The interpolation of the director vector for isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 2012, Wien, Österreich.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. On the choice of the director for isogeometric Reissner–Mindlin shell analysis. 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012), Juli 2012, Sao Paulo, Brasilien.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Isogeometric Reissner-Mindlin shell analysis with optimized director vectors. FE im Schnee 2012, März 2012, Hirschegg, Österreich.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Boundary Conditions and Multi-Patch Connections in Isogeometric Analysis. Workshop on Higher Order Finite Element and Isogeometric Methods (HOFEIM 2011), Juni 2011, Krakau, Polen, Poster session.
- W. Dornisch und S. Klinkel. Boundary Conditions and Multi-Patch Connections in Isogeometric Analysis. 82nd GAMM Annual Meeting (GAMM 2011), April 2011, Graz, Österreich.