Hybrid Lectures

Prof. Nagayama, University of Tokyo

Advanced Infrastructure Monitoring: Leveraging Simulation and Machine Learning toward Next-Generation Maintenance

Resources have been allocated to ensure the steady maintenance of high-standard infrastructure facilities. However, given the current financial challenges and the shortage of engineers, it is difficult to universally apply high-standard maintenance methods. This presentation will introduce the development of innovative monitoring technologies for infrastructure, which incorporate mobile and stationary measurement, simulation, and machine learning to enhance and streamline maintenance processes. In addition to reducing labour and manpower requirements, this approach aims to advance the infrastructure maintenance field by quantitatively capturing and predicting the temporal changes in infrastructure conditions.

18. April 2024, 02:00 p.m.
Room LG2A / A 0.25.5
Main Campus
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Bleicher
Hybride Konstruktionen - Massivbau
T +49 (0) 355 69-2471