Modifications in reference management

Survey on the use of Citavi, Zotero etc.

The software Citavi was taken over by the company QSR International in the middle of last year. This is associated with concerns about data protection and price increases. Furthermore, the use of the standalone version is limited to the Windows operating software. Therefore, we plan not to continue our Citavi licence permanently. The current licence period ends on 30 November 2022.

We recommend the open source software Zotero as an alternative. In March 2022, a new version was released, which has since been further improved (Zotero blog post). It is now possible to take quotes from PDFs, add keywords and use them later in the word processing software. Zotero runs on all operating systems.

In order to ensure a smooth transition, we would like to know which software and functions you are currently using or would like to use. We are also interested in your wishes regarding support for literature management or switch to another software. We would therefore be very pleased if you would answer our short, anonymous survey on this topic:

The survey will be available until 3 August 2022.

Our course and advisory service for Zotero are currently being expanded. There is already a self-study course on Moodle and advice via Ask an expert. We also want to support Citavi users in the future. However, the previous free version has been discontinued by the new provider. Information and links regarding reference management can be found on our website.