The Ulrich-Conrads-Archive can be found in the basement of the Information-, Communication, Information and Communication Centtre of the Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU).
The archive contains texts and documents on the publishing activities of Ulrich Conrads, an architecture critic who lived from 1923 - 2013. He monitored construction in Germanyfor half a century with a critical eye but also took actively a positive influence the construction process. From 1957-1988 he was chief editor of the journal "Bauwelt", from 1981 to 1998 publisher and chief editor of the bilingual journal "Daidalos" and founder of the book series "Bauwelt-Fundamente".
He also became known for his monthly series in the RIAS "Zum neuen Bauen - in dieser Zeit" (1960 bis 1972). In addition to numerous articles and documents, approximately 800 transcripts of this series can be found in the archive.
The material can be viewed by everyone who needs it for scientific or contemporary historical research. Please register with your desired date under Bibliothek+Service[at]b-tu.de; we will try to arrange an appointment. There are special user regulations, which have to be acknowledged in advance to your appointment.

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