Doctoral, PhD and postdoctoral regulations

The regulations published by the University in the official journal Amtliche Mitteilungsblätter der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg regulate the prerequisites for doctorate and postdoctoral qualifications, the requirements for doctoral theses and postdoctoral qualification and the procedure of the doctoral examination process.
 Doctoral, PhD and postdoctoral regulations

Framework regulations (Grundsatzordnungen)

On 7.10.2017, the framework regulations for doctoral procedures (Rahmenordnung für Promotionsverfahren) at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg came into force.

Rahmenordnung für Promotionsverfahren an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg vom 05.10.2017 - PromRahmenO (in German)

§20 of the PromRahmenO (AMbl 36/2017) contains transitional regulations for doctoral examination processes which commenced prior to these regulations entering into force:

"Doctoral procedures that were opened before these regulations came into force shall be concluded in accordance with the regulations of the respective valid doctoral regulations (Promotionsordnungen) up to that date. For the other doctoral procedures, the transitional regulations pursuant to § 38 of the Basic Regulations (Grundordnung; GO BTU) shall apply, provided that the dissertation is submitted for review within a transitional period of four years after these regulations come into force."

*translated excerpt from Rahmenordnung für Promotionsverfahren an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg (in German)

Allgemeine Ordnung für strukturierte Promotionsprogramme vom 08. Februar 2011 – PhD-RahmenO (in German)

The PhD-RahmenO (AMbl 15/2011) regulates general principles and procedures for the implementation of internationally oriented, English-language structured doctoral programmes (PhD programmes).

In the "special regulations" of the PhD programs, the subject-specific characteristics are regulated. The special regulations are only valid in conjunction with the current version of the general regulations for structured PhD programs.

Grundordnung (GO BTU)

Neufassung der Grundordnung für die Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (GO BTU) vom 17. November 2016 (AMbl 12/2017) (in German)

Transitional regulations for doctoral examination processes are contained in §38, paragraph 2:

"Subject to the provision in sentence 3, doctoral procedures shall be continued in accordance with the regulations under the validity of which the procedure was commenced, provided that the dissertation is submitted for review within four years of the entry into force of the doctoral framework regulations. The doctoral regulations (Promotionsordnungen) of the faculty to which the professorship of the first supervisor was assigned apply to doctoral procedures which are started at the respective faculty in the period until the enactment of a new doctoral regulation. After a new doctoral regulation has been issued by his or her faculty, the doctoral candidate will declare in writing to the dean according to which regulation the procedure is to be carried out."

*translated excerpt from the Grundordnung (GO BTU) (in German)